Dumbledore's Army

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The first Practise was a mess, you and Fred fighted, he wanted you to forgive him, but you just couldn't...

Ron was bad, The Slytheirn Students was watching and teased him, with a Song "Gryffindor's are losers".

You thought that this was the worst day in this year so far, but you was wrong. Cause after a few Days, Umbridge became Hogwarts high Inquistor. The good News was that you now knew how you ended up with Umbridge, It was Fudge so made sure of it.

Umbridge inspected all the classes and she was horrible. You hated her so much.

You, Ron and Harry was in the common room one day and Hermione talked about how much she hates Umbridge. "She's awful! Really!" She shouted "We're not learning how to defend ourselves. We are not learning how to pass our owls. She's taking over the entire school" She said. Then Sirius showed up in the fire, just like last year. "Sirius? What're you doing here?" You asked "answering Harry's letter" he answered "You said you was worried about Umbridge. What's she doing? Training you to kill half-breds?" "She's not letting us use magic at all" Harry said. "Well, i'm not surprised" Sirius said. "The latest intelligence is that Fudge doesn't want you trained in combat" He said "Combat?" You asked. "What Does he think, We're Forming some sort of of wizarding army?" Said Ron "that's exactly What he thinks. That Dumbledore is assembling his own forces to take on the ministry. He's becoming more paranoid by the minute. The other's wouldn't want me to tell you 2 this, y/n and Harry.. but things aren't going well at all in the order. Fudge is blocking the truth at every turn and these disappearances are just how it started before" he said. "Voldemort is on the move" he said "is it anything we can do?" You asked "someones coming" said Sirius "i'm sorry i can't be of more help. But for now, at least, it looks like you're on your own" and Sirius disapeard.

Hermione suggested that we would teach ourselves, or that you and Harry would teach everybody. None of you Harry wanted to, because you don't think No one would've wanted you to teach them. You talked to the Redhair twins and Lee about it and they agreed. They even helped Hermione set up a meeting in a old pub in Hogsmeade, all 7 of you went there together. "This is mad" Said Harry "Why?" Asked Lee "who do you think want to be taught by me?" You asked. "Cause both of you're brilliant" Said Fred "We're the nutter, remember?" Harry said "Yeah, Fred.. You're just saying that cause.." "Could you 2 just go to the meeting?" George asked and you and Harry nodded. "Look at the bright side" Said Ron "Neither one of you can be worse than old toad face" "Thanks, Ron" said you and Harry.

All of you walked in to the old pub and people kept showing up and after a few moments, the pub was full with students. Hermione stood up "Uhm.." Hermione said "Hi" she said "so.. you all know why We're here. We need a teacher. A proper teacher. One who's had experience defending themselves against the dark arts" "Why?" Asked someone. "Why?" Said Fred "Cause you-know-who is back, you tosspot" "so they says" said the boy "so Dumbledore says" said Hermione. "So Dumbledore says because the Twins says" said Terry Boot "The point is Where is the proof?". "If the Potter twins could tell us more about how Diggory got killed" everybody looked at you and Harry, who looked at each other. "We're not gonna talk about Cedric" you said "Yeah and If that's Why you're here, clear out now" Harry said and you stood up. "Come, y/n" he said and you stood up but George stopped you.

"Is it true" said one red hair Hufflepuff and looked at y/n "That you can produce a patronus" "Yeah.." you said. "So can Harry" You said "how did.." "My Aunt is Susan bones, she was on your hearing. Is that really true? You make a Mink Patronus?" And you nodded. "No, your patronus is a doe" said Fred "it changed, cause it was a Mink..". "I've seen it" said Hermione "Blimey, y/n" said Lee "i didn't know that".

"And Harry killed a basilisk, with the Sword in Dumbledore's office" said Neville "That's true" Said Ginny. "Third year, they fought about a 100 Dementors at once" said Ron "and last year, they really did fight off you-know-who, together, in the flesh" Said Fred. "Yeah, together" you said "i couldn't do it without Harry "Wait" said Harry "Look, it all sounds great when you say it like that.." said Harry "but the truth is, most of that was just luck". "He's right" you said "None of us knew What we was doing half the time. We nearly always had help." "They're just being modest" "No, Hermione, We're not" said Harry "y/n's right" "Facing this stuff in real life is not like school" said Harry. "In school, If you make a mistake you can just try It again, tomorow. But out there.." "When you're second away from being murdered, or watching a good friend, who you also had a crush on.. right before your eyes.." you said
"Yes, i liked Cedric but i loved.." you said and looked at Fred, who looked down. "You just don't know What's that like" you said "You're right, We don't" Said Hermione "but that's Why we need your help. Because If We're going to have any chance at beating... Voldemort" She said. "He's really back" said one blonde boy "Yes" said you and Harry.

You and Harry made a list, you and Harry signed your names. So did, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George and a lot of other students.

And you called your "group" , Dumbledore's Army....

Too good to be True "The Twins who lived" Fred Weasley X reader Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя