Remus Lupin

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You woke up with Fred around you, you walked up, without trying to wake him up. You put his shirt on and went to the bathroom. You walked out and he stood up and was getting dressed. "Morning, Love"  he said and you walked downstairs, Percy was Bragging of him being head boy, so Fred and George stole his Head boy mark, and blamed Ron.

At the train to Hogwarts, you looked for one compartment with Fred and George. But everyone was full, so you sat to Harry, ron and Hermione. "Who's that" "R.J Lupin" Hermione said and you sat in Fred's knee. "I need to tell you, something. It's really important for us y/n" He said "Okay..." you said and he told you everything about What he heard when Mr and Mrs Weasley was talking.

"Thank you SO MUCH HARRY!" You said "YOU DESERVED TO KNOW!" "Yeah but did you have to tell him?" You said and pointed at Fred. "Now he's going to be very overprotective!" You said "No he's not" Harry said. "No he won't just watch me every step i take" You said "Well Yeah! A killer is after my girlfriend!" "Thanks Harry" you said and the train stopped.

One black creepy ghost showed up, the Stranger man said "expecto patronum!" And you saw some silver wold and you fainted and you heard a woman who screamed yours and Harry's name.

You woke up "y/n?" Fred said "i'm fine" and Harry also fainted, he was lying next to you. "Here" The strange man said, and gave you and Harry Chocolate. "Thanks" you said and he smiled "What was that thing that came?" Harry asked "a dementor" "and you're?" "Remus Lupin, it's very nice to meet you, y/n" and you gave him a "How did you know my name look" "I saw your scar" and you did "of course look".

"What's a dementor" You said "It's guards of Azkaban. It's gone now. It was searching the train for Sirius Black" he said. "If you'll excuse me, i need to have a little word with the driver" he said "It was a pleasure to meet you y/n, and you of course Harry" he said "eat, you'll feel better" He said and walked away.

"I don't trust him" Fred said "only because he likes y/n" George said "Why is he so interested in you?" " the twins who lived maybe?" "Yeah but, he was only interested in y/n" Fred said. "Would you stop? I won't sleep with one old man!" You said and George laughed. "You're so jealous" George said.

-Proffessor Lupin's first class-

The first Days of Hogwarts term has been nothing but one overprotective Boyfriend Days.

He followed you to all classes, "Could you stop following me?" "NEVER" Fred said and walked to your class and kissed your cheek before he left. "Why is he so protective?" Joanne said, you would tell her about Sirius Black, but not with all these people around. "Who's that boy you saw in Rumania?" "What?" "In your letters, it stood that you met one boy" you said. "Oh, him, it was amazing, it was one summer romance, but he was just older" "Oh so your grandma didn't let you see him anymore?" "No , but  he went on vocation with his family, and i left before he came back, so it's over" She said. "Sorry" "It's fine" She said.

The class started.

In the middle of the room he had a wardrobe, who was shaking. "Scary isn't it?" He said "Would Anyone like to venture a guess What's inside?" Remus said "That's a boggart, that is?" Joanne said and everyone was shocked. "Very good, Ms Longbottom" Remus said "now can anybody tell me What a boggart looks like?" "No one knows" Hermione said "When did she get here?" Ron said.

"Boggarts are Shape-shifters. They take the shape of whatever a person fears the most" Hermione said "That's What makes them so..." "So terrifying... yes yes yes" Lupin continued.

"Luckily, a very simple charm exists, To repel a boggart" He said and the wardrobe shaked again. "Let's practice it now. Without wands, please" He said "Say after me" He said.....

"Neville" he said "Could you join me Please " Neville looked at his twin sister and she gave him "Go" Look and he looked back at Professor Lupin. Joanne pushed him forward. "Come on. Don't be shy. Come on" Lupin said and he walked forward.

"Neville, What frightens you the most of all?" Lupin said, Neville mumbled. "Sorry?" "Professor Snape, yes frightens of all" He said and everyone laughed even Lupin. "I believe you and your twin sister live with your grandma?" "Yes but i don't want the boggart to turn into her either" and everyone laughed again.

Neville made his boggart, who was snape, wear his grandmas clothes.

Then it was Harry's turn, you thought of only one person who yours and Harry's boggart would turn into: Lord Voldemort.

But Harry's boggart was a dementor, and when it came, Lupin stood infront of him, and then the boggart turned into one full moon, and after that. The class was over.

-Next day-

You thought that Mcgonogall could sign your permission form, but she couldn't "but you're my godmother.." "Yes y/n i am and i'm proud of it. But i'm not one guardian, so i can't" She said.

You and Harry walked around in the castle. "I wanted so bad to go on a date with Fred in hogsmeade" "He probably knows how to sneak out of the castle" "With Sirius Black after us? Not a chance" You said. You walked past Lupin "Ms and Mr Potter?" Lupin said "Why Aren't you two in Hogsmeade?" "Nobody could sign our permission form" You said "Wanna take a walk?" He asked and you nodded.

"Professor could i ask you something?" Harry asked "You want to know Why i stopped you facing that boggart, yes?" He said, Harry nodded. "I thought it was obvious. I assumed it would take the shape of Lord Voldemort" Lupin said "So did I" you said. "I did think of Voldemort, at first, but then i remember that night on the train... and the dementor" "I'm very impressed. That suggested What you fear the most is fear itself" Lupin said "This is very wise" "Before we fainted, we both heard something. A woman... screaming" you said "the dementors Force us to relieve our very worst memories. Our pain becomes their power" "I think was our mother, the night she was murdered" he said and you cried. Lupin hugged you.

"You know, the very first time i saw you, y/n and Harry, i recognized you immediately. Not by your scar, by your eyes" He said "You said it was our scars" You said "I lied" he said. "It's very odd, y/n is alike your mother Lily... Harry you're alike James, but y/n has James's eyes Harry's eyes it's your mother Lily's..." "Yes. Oh yes. I knew her" he said. "Your mother was there for me at a time No one else was" he said "Not only was she a singularly gifted witch.... She was also an uncommonly kind woman" He said. "She had a way of seeing the beauty in others.... even and most especially, when that Person could not see it in themselves" He said. "And your father, James on the other hand... he ... he had a certain, shall we say, talent for trouble" You and Harry smiled. "Now we knows Where you got that from" he said and looked at you. "A talent, rumor has it, he passed you. You're both very alike them then you know y/n and Harry" He said. "In time you'll come to see just how much" He said. "So you was close to them" you said "yes" he said "in fact.... they let me" He said. "I am your god father
y/n" he said "What?" You said "They wanted me to be godfather, and i said yes" He said and you hugged him.

Harry was a little bit jealous, since he had No clue who your Godparents was, but he was Happy for you.

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