The new headmistress

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You got the answer of Why Voldemort was so Happy, next mornig when you read the daily prophet.


Oh No.. a lot of death eaters have breaking out from Azkaban.. Including Bellatrix Lestrange.

You read the headline over her picture..

Bellatrix Lestrange, convinced of the torture and permanent incapacition of Frank and Alice Longbottom.

You looked at Joanne, who read her own Daily prophet. "Are you Okay?" You asked but she said "i'm fine". You knew she wasn't, but you knew that she would talk when she was ready. The worst thing was, they blamed it all on Sirius.

Umbridge got worse and worse every day. Hermione fixed an interview with Rita Skeeter. You told her the real story about the return of Voldemort. Luna send the article to her father, who is the editor quibbler of the Quibbler magazine. He published there and more people started to believe you and Harry. Students read the quibbler a lot, even If Umbridge wouldn't allow students to read it. Even Seamus believed you and Harry now, And he apologized and wanted to join Dumbledore's Army.

Qudditch wasn't the biggest problem, even If Ginny was a good seeker and all. You was more worried about Fred, you knew that somehow Voldemort could see in your head. You was worried that he knew about your feelings Fred and that he would hurt him to get to you.

You and Harry continued to have Lesson's with Snape. You learned Occlumency better then Harry cause you didn't want Voldemort to hurt Fred, and Harry hated Snape, Which made it harder for him.

However, Umbridge was a nightmare. Once, after an Occlumency lesson with snape.. Umrbridge fired Proffesor Trelawney.

The entire school was watching Professor Trelawney, crying and begging Umbridge for let her stay. Mcgonogall came for comfort her "You're not going to leave Hogwarts" Said Mcgonogall. "Oh, really?" Said Umbridge "and your authority for that statement is..?" "That would be mine" Said Dumbledore who just appeared in the entrence. "As high Inquisitor you have every right to dismiss my teachers. You do not, however, have the Authority to send them castle. That the power to do that still resides with the headmaster".

You hated Umbridge, you wanted to kill her so bad. The D.A lesson's continued, it was hard to hide them from Umbridge, but it was worth it.

One day, you found Neville and Joanne in front of the mirror in the Room of requirement. You had a mirror there, with pictures of The order of the Phoenix, and Cedric for an example. You and Harry walked towards them. "Hey, Joe" you said and stood to the left of Joanne, who stood to the left of Neville.. and Harry stod to the right of Him. So literally you and Harry stood between The longbottom twins. You wanted to ask What they was doing in here, but it was obvious. They looked at the photo of the order of the Phoenix, and looked at their parents. "I'm proud to be their daughter" said Joanne and sighed, sadly, looking down. "So am I.." said Neville and Joanne looked up at him. "But i'm not sure If i'm ready for everyone to know just yet" Joanne gave him a smile, she understand. She felt the same way. "We're gonna make them proud, Neville and Joanne" said Harry and you smiled at Harry before looking at your parents. "Yeah..." you said "That's a promise".

You learned students the patronus charm in the D.A class next day.

"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember" You said "Allow it to fill you up" said Harry. It was Fun to see everyone patronuses. You was curious about Fred and George. Both of them had problem with the charm so you helped Joanne instead. Her patronus was a bear,It was awesome "Great, Joe!" You shouted.
Then you heard Fred shouted the charm and his patronus was a mink, like yours. "What did memory did you use?" You asked "Our first kiss" He said. "Aww" said every girl in the class and you blushed.

Ginny's patronus was a horse, Ron's a Jack Russel dog, Hermione's an Otter, Luna's a rabbit, Cho's a Swan... The class was amazing. Until... the room started to Shake. You all stood in front of the entrence wall, with your wands out. Fred put you behind him as you heard a voice "I'll make a short work of this".

"Bombarda maxima" It was Umbridge, she found you, with help from Marietta Edgecombe. She was Cho's best friend. The entire wall exploded. Fred grabbed you and put you on the wall, and laid on top of you, For protecting you.

They brought you up to Dumbledore's office, and Dumbledore took the blame for the whole thing. He treated to send Dumbledore to Azkaban for this, but he disapeard. "You know minister" you heard Phineas Black voice "I disagree with Dumbledore on many counts.. but you cannot deny he's got style.."

Dumbledore was now gone.. Which means that Umbridge was now The new headmistress.

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