The best christmas gift ever

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You, Harry, Fred, George, Ginny and Ron went to Grimmauld place and met Sirius. They was mad when Sirius Told them, that they couldn't go to St Mungos... "Your father knew What he was getting into and he Won't Thank you for Messing things up for the order!" Said Sirius "this is how it is. This is Why you're not in the order, you don't understand. There are things worth dying for". "East for you to say, stuck here!" Said Fred "I don't see you Risking your neck!". For a moment there, it looked Like Sirius was going to hit Fred. "Fred!" You shouted and he looked at you and you opened your arms and he went into them. He had his left hand on your hips and his right hand on the back on your head. You had your arms on his back, holding him close...

You an the red hair twins shared bedroom, that night. You and Fred shared bed as George had his own. Both of them was asleep, Fred had his head on your Stomach. You sat up in bed, awake, and afraid of falling asleep. Afraid of that you'll see something like your Vision about Mr Weasley again..

Next day, you went to St Mungo's hospital for magical Maladies and injuries and met Mr Weasley. "You're Lucky that there's one person at the order, working as a healer at St Mungo's" Said Moody "Healer?" You and Harry asked. "Muggle's call them Doctor's" Said Tonks, as you stood in the queue for the reception.

"Hello" said Mrs Weasley when it was your turn. "My Husband, Arthur Weasley, was supposed to be moved to a different ward this morning. Nancy Black the Second, is in charge of him" she said. You and Harry looked at each other, you've only heard of 1 Nancy before.. and Black???

"Go up to first floor, you'll meet Mrs Black there" She said and you did What the witch said. You walked to First floor and saw a woman who was in an open door, talking with someone. "I'll be right back, I've got an another patient" Then you heard a woman voice. "Look out for the cave!" "Yes, mother, i will. I'll be back in a couple minutes" she said and closed the door. She walked to you, "Hi, Mrs Weasley" She said "Hello, Nancy, nice to meet you" Said Mrs Weasley.
Nancy was a blonde, Pretty, Pale girl with Brown eyes.. she reminded you of someone.. "Have i met you before?" You asked. "You look familiar" She shaked her head. "I don't think so, Ms Potter" she said and Smiled, and you gave her a little smile.

"I didn't know you was a Parselmouth" said Ron "Ron!" Said Mrs Weasley. "It's Okay, Mrs Weasley, i hear that a lot" Nancy said and smiled. "Know that feeling" You said and Harry nodded. "We both are parselmouth, as Well" "Really?" She said, she didn't seem convinced. "Try me" you said "What's your entire name?" She asked "My name is y/n Euphemia Potter" she said. "Oh, wow" she said, she was very surprised. "it's nice to meet an another parselmouth, for once. Most people are in ashamed for being that" She said and then she lead you to Mr Weasley.

Nancy was awesome, she was.. but she was to charming.. "How come your name is Black?" Ron asked. (It was obvious that Ron had a crush on Nancy) "I married Regulus Black" she said. "Who's that?" Asked Fred, all of the boys, including Harry seemed to like her a lot. She was very good looking, and that made you jealous. "Sirius Black, Brother?" Harry said and Nancy nodded, then she left.

After a while, You left to.

"I like Nancy" said Ron when you arrived home. "That was kinda obvious" Fred said "So.." you began "Do you like her?". Fred looked at you and smiled, "Are you jealous?" He asked. "No" you lied, "Stop Lying" said Harry and you glared at him. "I don't like her at all. Sure, she's very attractive, but.. I only have eyes for you" he said and you smiled. "You're mine, and only mine" you said and put your hand on his jaw. "I'm only yours" he said and kissed you "ARE YOU 2 BACK TOGETHER?" Asked Mrs Weasley and you stopped kissing each other. "Yeah" said Fred "FINALLY!" Said Mrs Weasley Happy.

You went up to bed, with Fred and George after you. You was about to walk in your bedroom, then Mrs Weasley came and wanted to talk to Fred.

"What is it?" Asked Fred, who was curious about Why she only wanted to talk to him, and not George... She gave him an old Wedding ring box. "I want you to give this to y/n" she said and he took it, and opened it, there was an old Wedding ring inside. "This is Grandma's Wedding ring" he said "I saved it. Your grandma wanted me to. She wanted that someone of her grandsons, If she had any.. will find the perfect girl. Fall in love, and one they decides to spend the rest of his life with her. If that ever happend, she wanted him to give her that ring" she pointed at the ring. "You're the only one of her grandsons that is in love, Fred" "What about Joanne and Charlie?" He asked. "They aren't a couple anymore" and he looked down at it. "Do you want me to give this to y/n?" He said and she nodded "Give it to her as a christmas gift". "Now? Mum.. she's 15" "You love her Fred.. she loves you.. you'll do it someday anyway.. and don't tell me that you don't want to" She said. "Okay.. I'll do it" he said and Molly hugged him.

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