Return to Grimmauld Place...

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You had apparated to some crowded street. For a moment you thought they had not left the wedding after all; They still seemed to be surrounded by people. You didn't recognized the street but you knew you were somewhere in London.

"Where in bloody hell are we?" asked Ron harshly. "Shaftesbury avenue" answered Hermione "well we gotta get back!" you snarled "Fred is still there!" you said and you felt how you were about to cry. "Just walk, we need a place to change" you said. Harry and Ron were still wearing suits, you and Harry were still wearing your dresses. You did what she asked, despite you're still anxious about Fred, if he's still alive.

You all found an alley, Hermione kept saying how she packed for an emergency... but you didn't seem to see clothes. All she was carrying nothing except her small

beaded handbag, in which she was now rummaging. "How the ruddy?" you said in shock, sharing the same look with Ron "Undetectable Extension charm" said Hermione and pulled up a bunch of clothes. "You're amazing, you're" he said as she gave you your favourite shirt "I thought i forgot this at Dursley's!" you said in joy, looking at Fred "you sneaky little badass queen" you told her and she smiled at her.

As you and 3 others got dressed into just your casual typical outfits, you found a cafe that seemed to be open 24/7. It was a small and shabby café. A light layer of grease lay on all the Formica-topped tables, but it was at least empty.

"What about all the people at the wedding?" asked Harry "what about Fred? We can't just leave him there" you said and Harry started to inspect you closely. "You're shaking y/n" he said and it was true, you did shake. You only thought about Fred and the other's...  fear bubbled like acid in your stomach, causing you to shake. Harry grabbed your hand, making you stop shaking.

"Do you think we should go back?" asked Harry, still holding your hands  "They were after you two" said Hermione "We'd put everyone in danger by doing back" "Yes but.." you were about to say his name again, but the waitress interrupted you. "Coffee?" she asked "A cappuccino, please" you asked "you?" the waitress said, looking at Ron. Since he didn't knew any muggle drinks, he said the same as Hermione and so did Harry, finally she looked at you and she could see your anxiety. "Nothing" you said without looking at her. You felt as if you were going to burst into tears as soon as possible.... please let Fred be alive...

"So where do we go from here? Leaky cauldron?" asked Ron "It's to dangerous"  you said "way to publicly" "she's right. If Voldemort has taken over the ministry, none of the old places are safe" said Hermione, she looked at you. "Everyone from the wedding, will have gone underground, into hiding" she said an you started to shake your legs and kept your hands busy by burying them in your face. "My rucksack with all my things!" said Harry "I've left it at the burrow" Hermione shook her head, nodding at her purse. "You're joking" said Harry looking at the bag "I've had all the essentials packed for days, just in case" she said "did you bring that deposit box i got from Dumbledore?" I asked her and she shook her head. "Hermione!" you snarled, but then you remember that you shouldn't be that loud "that box happened to belong to Voldemort's.." "Don't say his name!" "Sorry" you said "ex girlfriend. In that box were a bunch of things that might lead us to the horcruxes, since she was a big impact on his life!" you said.

"Oh please" scoffed Ron in disbelief "I don't think for one bit that he became that way just because some girl broke his heart" said Ron and you rolled your eyes. "But we can't return to the burrow" she said as two work men walked into the cafè, "I could send a letter to Joanne and ask her to bring it" she said "make sure to get some of mom's cooking as well then, i miss her food" said Ron and Hermione rolled her eyes.

The two workmen made identical movements, and Harry mirrored them without conscious thought: All four of you drew their wands. Ron, a few seconds late in realizing what was going on, lunged across the table, pushing Hermione sideways onto her bench. The force of the Death Eaters' spells shattered the tiled wall

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