Wasted for the first time..

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We were eating Breakfast in the great hall, i was sitting at the Hufflepuff table, since me and joane was eating breakfast with Ernie and Justin. Me and Justin didn't get along, but joanne and Ernie really did. "Could you past the butter?" said Justin as he grabbed one piece of bread, but i didn't listen. Fred and Daisy was on my mind, what if they got married and had kids before i can defeat Voldemort, and then it's to late, so i die?? OR WORSE!! What if Bellatrix Lestrange kills Fred... what would happen with Daisy?? "Y/N?" asked Justin, and now i looked at him "Huh?" you said. "Is everything alright? You seem a little distracted" said Justin "no.. i'm just not a morning person.." you said, which wasn't really a lie. "Okay, could you past the butter?" he said, you nodded and gave him it. Harry walked towards you, "y/n! I have been looking everywhere for you. What are you doing at the Hufflepuff table?" he asked.. i was about to answer him "Whatever, we have a lesson with Dumbledore now" said Harry, "GREAT!!" I screamed and everyone looked at me... "Great" i whispered. 

We walked to his office and i was so excited, we had theese lessons for finding out Voldemort's weakness.. so we could defeat him, so he can't hurt fred. 

We started with talking about what happened with His mother, Merope. She got pregnant, with Voldemort... but her husband, Voldemorts father left her once she stopped giving him the love potion.. she was so broken so she never used her powers again, she lived at the street, pregnant. She went to Borgin and Burkes, in knockturn alley and sold her family necklace: The locket of Salazar Slytherin, but only got 2 Galleons for it. 

"She was very sick when she gave birth to her twins.." said Dumbledore "TWINS??" said Harry and me at the same time. "Oh yes... Voldemort had a twin sister" said Dumbledore,  me and Harry gasped.. a freaking TWIN SISTER?? "Her name was Therese Riddle, she grew up at the orphanage along with her Twin brother, Tom.. their relationship was complicated. Tom, hated to have a twin sister. My theory, is that he saw her as a threat" said Dumbledore "a threat?" said Harry and Dumbledore nodded. "Like i said, that's just a theory of mine, i don't know the reasons. But i know that Therese was loved at the orphanage, and that she was the only one who stood up Voldemort.. and i don't think he enjoyed that" "What happened with her? Is she alive today?" asked Harry. "One time, when they was young, the orphanage brought the orphans to a seaside site. Tom went missing for a few minutes with two other kids, Therese find out and started to look for them... after a while, Tom and the other kids arrived back, the kids was well.. scared and messed up.. just like if they've been tortured.." said Dumbledore "he tortured them?" You asked "He claimed that he didn't do it.. but as you know, he was a young wizard who hadn't learned how to control his powers.." said Dumbledore "but where was Therese?" you asked, "She never came back, but they did find her body floating in the sea.." "He KILLED HIS OWN SISTER?" shouted me and Harry. "Again, no one knows for sure.. Tom claimed he never did it.. but, yes.. it's possible" said Dumledore. He told and showed us how, Dumbledore, himself, went to the orphanage and told Tom riddle he was a wizard.. just like Hagrid did to you and Harry. 

So, we didn't learn about his weakness today.. which made you mad. "Don't worry" said Harry "we'll find a way to defeat him" said Harry and i gave him a fake smile.

Next day, at the herbology class. we told Ron and Hermione what they learned "VOLDEMORT HAD A TWIN SISTER?" said Ron and Harry nodded "We are just as shocked as you are" i said.. 

Harry began to train the quidditch team for the big first quidditch match.. We needed to train extra, since Dean Thomas had replaced Katie Bell after she want to St.Mungos hospital.. you know.. after the incidient at Hogsmeade... and Ron, needed a lot of practice, more then Dean. 

But the thing is, he would've been great.. but he doesn't have the confidence, so, he sucks, just because he thinks he sucks himself.. which is why, Harry put Felix Felicis, in his juice.. Hermione thought it was wrong, but we won the GAME!! I mean it was awesome!! We had a party for celebrate our victory, they shouted "WEASLEY! WEASLEY! WEASLEY!" which was fun. Ron deserved this more then anyone.. "You know you shouldn't have done it"  said Hermione, to Harry "oh come on, look how happy it is!" i shouted and drank my 10th bottle of Fire Whiskey. Harry grabbed the bottle from my hand "how many have you been drinking?" asked Harry "I don't know.. maybe 100???!! I shouted "Are you drunk?" asked Hermione "no!" i said. But i went closer.. "I am kidding, i am super Wasted" i whispered, "y/n.. you've never been drunk" said Harry " I haven't?" i asked and he shook his head. "Well, i deserve another bottle for that!!" I said and grabbed the fire whiskey bottle agian.. and started to shout Weasley. "This is wrong Harry, it's like we are celebrating CHEATING!" said Hermione. "RON CHEATED??" i snapped "Well, he used the confundus Charm!! "I know, just like when you used the confundus charm!" said Harry and i just laughed at that, "but she did that so she wouldn't have to go out with McClaggen?" said Hermione "McClaggen likes me?" "YES!" Said them both at the same time.. and i got one stupid idea.. I went to McClaggen.. who was drunk to.. "You like me??" i asked "yeah, you're the chosen one.. and the HOTTEST ONE!" he said and i just grabbed him and kissed him.. 

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