Ravenclaws and playboys

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The last days have been miserable. You have only cried in your bed about Fred. Mrs Weasley have been yelling at him and so has Sirius and Lupin. You told them to stop, Which they did, but they was still mad at him.

However, you knew your friendship with the two twins was over, which made you upset, Fred and you didn't talk and George is his twin, so he never talked to you either. One time, they did, you laughed together with them once and probably the last time you were going to laugh with them. It was when they saw that Ron was going to be Prefects, they laughed at their mother who was a proud mother over Ron and they made fun of her behind her back. You laughed together with them and they seemed to forget about you and Fred for a while, until Mrs Weasley left and.. "Do you mind if i kiss you to, Ronnie?" Fred asked and you got mad at him kissing someone else, even if you knew he was joking and if it was with his own brother. You walked up to your bedroom and didn't talk to Anyone.

After a while, did You went to Harry who also was upset cause he didn't became prefect. Then Moody showed up and gave yiu a picture of the old order of the Phoenix. You recognized Neville and Joanne's parents, they was standing next to Jordan's mother, she was Well big, but you assumed she was pregnant with Jordan. To the left of her and from the right of Mr and Mrs Longbottom, stood a guy who you assumed was Jordans father. Smiling, like everyone else. You also recognized your parents with Lupin and the betrayor, and also Sirius with an arm around another girl. She was Very alike snape, but much better looking.. kind of way. "I guess that's.." "Kathleen Snape" Moody said "They just got back from their honeymoon" "If she married Sirius Why didn't she take his name?" Harry asked . "Good question, you should ask him" Moody said and let you keep the picture. "Are we gonna do that?" You asked "ask him What happened with Kathleen" "soon, but not now" Harry replied.

Next day you went to the Kings Cross station with the order as a protection. Sirius was there to, but in his animagus shape. He was so Happy to be out. You went to platform 9 and 3 quarters and met Lee Jordan who was with his sister. "Cute dog, y/n" He said "Thanks" you said and looked at his sister. "You're Faelyn Jordan, right?" You asked and she nodded "you're y/n" she said "i know you, you are the girl, Cedric Diggory dumped Cho Chang for". "He did?" You asked and she nodded, oh great, now Cho Chang hates me to.

Hermione and Ron went to the Prefect carriage with Faelyn, who was also a prefect. You, Harry and Ginny found Joanne and Neville and sat next to a girl, named Luna Lovegood. "You're y/n" she said when she saw you "Yeah.." "you're the girl Cedric Diggory dumped Cho Chang for" Luna said. "Am i famous or something?" You asked "everyone in Ravenclaw knows me for that" "there are poeple who say mean things about you, but i don't think those things are true" She said "thanks" you said.

Then Cho Chang showed up and wanted to talk to Harry. You walked away together with Joe "so What's up with Charlie?" You asked "We broke up" she said. "What??" You asked "Why?" "Long distance relationship" she said "Well, that's sucks" you said. "Well i never liked keeping our relationship a secret, and neither did he" she said "I'm sorry anyway" you said "Thanks".

Then you ran into Cormac McClaggen, he's in the year above you and Harry. He is famous for being good looking and a player. "Hey, Potter" He said when you walked past him "Wanna go out with me?" And Joanne laughed. Fred and George just walked out of the compartment "sure" you said.

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