Your worst nightmare

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Movie: The Chamber of secrets

Last year you and Harry went to your first year at Hogwarts, since you were a witch. You loved Hogwarts and you hated the summer holdidays Because you wasn't in Hogwarts. But It wasn't that bad tho, you got your own room. Vernon and Petunia had built a guest house outside the house (although it was you and Harry who did all the work). Dudley got the guest room, Harry moved out from yours old room to Dudley's room.
But that was the only good thing about the summer. Today your worst nightmare became real. Your diary was gone! You looked everywhere in your room but you couldn't find it. You thaught that maybe it was in Harry's room. You walked in there "have you seen my diary?" You asked "No sorry" he said and Hedwig sounded loud again.

"Potter!" You heard uncle Vernon shout from downstairs "Now we're in trouble" you said and both of you walked down. Where Aunt Petunia decorated the cake and Vernon helped Dudley with his bow tie.

"If you can't control that bloody
bird she have to go!" He said when you come down.
"But she's bored if i only could let her out for one hour or so?" Harry said and uncle Vernon laughed. "So you can send secret messages to your freaky little friends?" He said "No, sir". "Then you have to stand out with the owl" you said "but i haven't had any messages from any of my friends" Harry said and neither had you.  "Not one..... all summer" Harry said "who wants to be friends with you?" Dudley said "and by the way i know someone Y/N wants to write to" he said. "Really? Like who?" You said "a speciall guy named Fred" Dudley said and now you totally paniced. How could he know that you have a crush on Fred??? Wait... oh No.

"Have you read my diary?" You shouted "yes" Dudley said and you wanted to kick his ass but Harry stopped you. "But nothing was really intresting. I only read the pages about Fred Weasley" He said "let me go, Harry!" You said "and i feel very sorry for him really" Dudley said you struggled from Harry, but you didn't succed.
"y/n breathe" Harry said.

Dudley walked past you and went to Aunt Petunia.
"You know you two should be more grateful. We have been raising you since you were babies. Given you food from our table and given you two own bedroom's. And that's only because we're good people" he said, Dudley tried to eat some of the cake. "Not now Dudder's" Aunt Petunia said "you have to wait to the Mason's comes". "Which should be any minute" Uncle Vernon said and Dudley and Petunia walked in fast into the bathroom. "Petunia when the Mason's show's up you'll be.." He said "in the living room.. Welcome them to our home" She said "Wonderful. And Dudley you... I stands ready to open the door" He said "great" Uncle Vernon said. They turned to you and Harry "and you two??" Uncle Vernon said.

"We'll be in our bedrooms, making no noises and pretend that we don't exist" Harry Said "To right you will" Uncle Vernon said. "With any luck, this could be the day I make the biggest deal of My career.. And none of you will mess it up" He said and you and Harry walked upstairs.

You walked inside Dudley's bedroom, you knew you wasn't allowed be in there, but you did not care. You looked for your diary and you found it under his bed. "There you are" you said and when you took it, you found a lot of candy bags and chips bags. "Where did he got this from?" You said you had been following Aunt Petunia to the store every time this summer and you haven't notice that she bought this. Did he stole It!? Nah he probably bought It himself. You took some of It (so he wouldn't notice that you took it) and brought It to your bedroom and hide it under your bed.

Then you heard a noise from Harry's room and you walked quiete inside. There was a little figure there, you got scared when it knew your name. "y/n Potter.. Such an honor it is.." He said.

"Who are you?" You said "this is Dobby the house-elf" Harry said "If uncle Vernon founds you here..." you said "then we're dead" Harry said.

"But yes Ms and Mr, Dobby understands" he said "but like Dobby told your brother, he has something to say".

"Then tell us" you said "i Can't!!" He said and he took Harry's lamp and hit himself with it.

"Stop, Dobby!" You whispered and you took the lamp from him. "I'm so sorry miss" he said "i just protect you and to warn you" he Said. "Y/N and Harry Potter must not go back to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry this year.  There is a plot.. a plot to make most terrible things happen" "What for terrible things?" You asked. "I Can't teeeel you!!!" He mumbled and took the lamp and shouted "Bad Dobby!". You and

Harry tried to take the lamp from him but he didn't succeed. Downstairs you heard Uncle Vernon "Dudley! Have you forgot to turn of the tv?" And then Harry hold Dobby. You took the lamp from him and put Dobby in Harry's closet and then Uncle Vernon showed up.

"What the hell is going on here?" He asked "we were just..." you said but then Dobby tried to open the closet door. You leaned over it door so he couldn't open it.

"You two just ruined my japanese golf joke" He said. "Sorry" Harry said "one more sound.... and none of you wish you were ever born" He said and walked out. You moved and Dobby walked out. "Do you understand now? This is why we have to go back! We hate it here!" You said "we have to go back to Hogwarts! Is there we got our friends" Harry said. "Friends? Who doesn't even write to Y/N and Harry Potter..." he said and Harry started to talk but you cut him off. "How do you know that none of our friends haven't write to us?" You asked and Dobby went quiete. "Please don't get mad at Dobby" he said and pulled out some letters. "Dobby thought if no one write to you, you wouldn't want to go back" he said. "Give us those now" you said but he shouted No. Harry tried to take them but Dobby ran away downstairs. Oh no Please don't let the Dursleys see him, you thought. But they didn't. Instead, by magic, Dobby threw a cake on mrs Mason. Harry made it look like it was him.

Vernon had right about "None of yiu wish you were ever born" because you kinda wish that you were ever born. You and Harry shared room again. And then you two got one owl from Hogwarts.
Uncle Vernon gave you two the letter "Read it" He said and you did read it.

Dear Ms and Mr Potter
We have received intelligence that a Hover charm was used at your place of residence this evening at twelve minutes past 9.
As you know, underage wizards are not permitted wizards outside school, and furhter spellwork on your part may lead to expulsion from said school (Decree for the Reasonable Restriction of Underage Sorcery, 1875, Paragraph C).
We would also ask you to remember that any magical activity which risks notice by members of the non-magical community (Muggles) is a serious offence, under section 13 of the International Confederstion of Warlocks' Statute of Secrecy.
Enjoy your holidays!
Yours sincerely, Mafalda Hopkirk.
Improper Use of Magic Office, Ministry of Magic.

You gulped and so did Harry. "You didn't tell us you weren't allowed to use magic outside school" Said Uncle Vernon, a mad gleam dancing in his eyes. "Forgot to mention it... slipped your mind, I dare say". He was bearing down on
you like a great bulldog, all his teeth bared. "Well i have news for you boy and young lady. I'm putting you in the same bedroom and locking you up... and if you try and magic yourslelfs out, both of you get expelled!" He said and It terrified you because he did tell the truth.

They did put you and Harry in the same bedroom again. But the Dursley's have never been this mean to you and Harry, they put grille on your window.

One night you couldn't sleep. You looked at the place that you hide the candy and chips from Dudley's bedroom. You woke up Harry "Where did you get this?" He asked you didn't answer because some light come closer to the window.....

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