Your and Harry's patronus

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You woke up in the hospital wing, Fred holding your hand. "I thaught i lost you" he said and kissed you. "WHERE'S SIRIUS?" You shouted and that woke Harry up. "It's fine" He said "the dementors will take him" "WHAT?" You and Harry shouted.

Dumbledore came in.
"PROFFESOR! THEY GOT THE WRONG MAN!" You said "She's right, Sirius is inocent" "What are you talking about?" Fred asked. "Did he made you to think this or.." George said. "It's Scabbers" Ron said and Fred and George looked at him. "Oh C'mon ron, you aren't still upset about your rat?" George said. "He's not really a rat" "okay, Black really messed you all up, If the dementors doesn't kill him, I will" Fred said "Shut up Fred!" You shouted.


After saving Buckbeak, You, Harry and Hermione went to the whomping willow. "Now comes lupin" Hermione said, "Now What" "We Wait" Hermione said.

"y/n, at the lake... did you see?" "A doe and a Stag?" You said "Yeah.." Harry said and you nodded "Yes i did". "For a second i thaught it was..." "Our parents.." "But They're..." "We know they're dead" You said "It's just What we saw" Harry said...

You ran to the lake and saw when the dementor's "attacking" You, Harry and Sirius... "It doesn't come Anyone Harry" You said. " You said you saw them to!" Harry shouted "I saw a doe and a stag!" Then Harry was thinking.

He grabbed your hand and pulled out his wand... and ran to the lake.  "Do the patronus spell" he said while running and at the same time, you and your twin brother shouted: "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"

And from Harry's wand, came a stag, Which made sense cause of your father's nickname: Prongs.

And from your wand came a silver doe......

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