New Vision

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The entire school saw Fred and George as legends now. People usually said "One more lesson like that and i might just do a Weasley..".

Yeah, your boyfriend and your best friend were legends... which made you popular.. well, 35% of the students liked you since you're Fred's girlfriend and they asked you bunch of questions, about your relationship with Fred and George.. if he had contacted you and stuff like that.

You sat in the great hall, together with Lee Jordan and ate breakfast before a quidditch game. "Do you miss him?" he asked, and you stopped eating your cereals, "yeah" you said and put the spoon back. "I miss my Freddie bear" you said, even if you have never called him that.. to his face. Lee chuckled "Freddie bear?" you smiled back "So, y/n" you heard McClaggen say "what?" you snapped. "Now when the redhead is gone, may i be your new boyfriend?" you chuckled "not even if you were the last guy on earth" you said. "Yeah, she and Fred haven't broken up, Cormac, leave her alone" snapped Lee. "Fine, but soon as you break up, i'll be there" Cormac said and smiled at you, that made you wanna puke.

You went to the game, with Ron who was nervous... but even if he was nervous, he was good at the game.. and you WON!!!

You was happy that you won, you asked Harry what he thought of the game the next day... but he and Hermione wasn't there. "WHY?" You asked, looking at your twin, "I'm sorry" he said.. and then he told you about Hagrid's giant, that is also his half brother.

"You're kidding, Hagrid didn't keep one" said Ron, you glared at him "Ron, it's Hagrid! Of course he did keep one" you said and he groaned. "And he wants us to teach him english?" asked Ron and Harry nodded "i promised" "well you are just going to break your promise" Ron said. Ron agreed, Hagrid did like unusual things, like Aragog for example.. and "Grawp" was probably one of them.. but Harry promised.. and you hated him for being so nice sometimes.

But you couldn't think about that, you had O.W.L's..

It went great, until.. you saw Sirius.. being tortured...

"I need that prophecy" said a voice, "you'll have to kill me" said Sirius. "Oh, I will" said the horrible, scary voice again.. as you recognized as Voldemort's. "But first, you will fetch it for me" said it, again and shouted Crucio. Sirius screamed in pain, he was in the ministry of magic...

The vision was just like when you saw Mr Weasley being attacked.. but Voldemort had Sirius now. He wanted something from him, you remembered what Sirius said to you and Harry..

"Voldemort was after something, something that he didn't have the last time".

When you saw Sirius being tortured, you also saw the door that you and Harry have been dreaming about for months. Voldemort wanted to get inside it and he was using Sirius for it...

"Y/N, are you alright?" asked Joanne, you looked at her, who looked worried "where's Harry?" you asked and went looking for him. Joanne and Lee ran after you, you found Harry and He saw the same thing as you and just like you, he wanted to go to the ministry of magic for saving Sirius.

"Are you mad?" Said Joanne and you looked at Harry "you can't just ran to the ministry of magic!" said Lee "We have to save Sirius!" you shouted. You loved Sirius as much as Harry loved him you couldn't let him die. "C'mon" said Harry and you walked towards Umbridge's office..

"Harry and y/n, wait!" Said Hermione, and you looked at her "What if Voldemort meant for you to see this?" she said and you just stared at her. "What if he's only hurting Sirius because he's trying to get to you?" "What if he is?" you asked "Are we just going to let him die?" said Harry. "You - know - who, knows you y/n!" said Joanne "he took Ginny to the chamber of secrets, just because he wanted to get you down there!" "Yeah, y/n, i have no idea which Sirius, you're talking about.." said Lee as Ginny and Luna showed up. "Hey, what's up?" said Ginny "nothing" said Harry and you continue to ran. "Wait, y/n" said Lee "no Lee, okay? Sirius and Lupin are the only family we've got left!" you said. "Okay, i get that" he said "what's going on?" said Ginny "Sirius's in danger" said Joanne and you ignored Ginny and Luna.. "but before going to the ministry of magic and get killed.. we could just check if he's home first.." said Lee "so we don't have to be killed.

You and Harry agreed on that, you got help from the other's, even Ginny and Luna... you and Harry used the fire and saw the grimmauld place through the fire.. you asked Kreacher if Sirius was there.. but it was obviously, happy that Sirius wasn't there.. and was never coming back.... okay, Sirius was in danger.. and you wanted to kill Kreacher. You and Harry decided to go to the ministry of magic now, but you got caught.. by Umbridge.

A/N: I'm sick, so it's probably why this sucks.. and the reason i haven't updating is because i've been busy. I'm trying to update more now.. since i have nothing else to do, since i'm sick. 

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