All i want for Christmas is you

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You woke up, and you felt worse than ever. "So this is what hangover feels like" i whispered to myself and then i looked around in the room i was in. I was in Mclaggen dorm and we were both split naked, i don't remember everything from last night, but i did understand that i had slept with Mclaggen. I felt disgrace and shame in all my body, How could i be so stupid??

I just put on my clothes and left the room as fast as i could.

I ate breakfast with Ron and Harry, Ron was complaining over something with Hermione, but i was way to hungover for listen to that. "You look horrible" Said Harry when he noticed you sitting across of them. "hungover" you groaned, "not surprised" laughed Ron "uhm, y/n we have class with Dumbledore today" he said and you made a huge groan. "Can i skip it??" you groaned "yeah, sure" he said "i'll tell you what we went through" he told me "thank you" i groaned and i went back to gryffindor common room, i saw Mclaggen going through the same thing that i did, i tried to avoid him, but he managed to see me. "Did we hook up last night?" he asked me "because i remember kissing you" he said, oh great!! He doesn't remember that we slept together! "We just made out" i said "then you passed out and spend the evening throwing up" "Damn, i bet it would've been a great night" he said with a smirk.

Christmas was approaching and Ron was currently dating Lavender Brown, which Hermione isn't so happy over. Ron and Hermione weren't even speaking to each other, which meant that me and harry had to choose sides. Since i was the girl, i was hanging out with Hermione and he was hanging out with Ron, this was probably the end of our friendship and it sucked.

"He's at perfect liberty to kiss whoever he likes!" Hermione whined "we weren't an official couple! I really couldn't care less. Was i under the impression he and I would be attending Slughorn's christmas party? Yes" she said "Now given the circumstances, I've had to make other arrangements" "Well, you and I can just skip the party and just have a girls night" you said "you're not going?" she asked with a frown "no" i said "i can't just take anyone" i told her "no, of course not, especially since Romilda Vane tries to smuggle Harry love potion" she told me "she does??" i said "oh don't worry, i don't think she'll succeed. I warned Harry" i said "bitch" i whispered and then drank some waitress went to us (we were sitting at three broomsticks) and the waitress gave me a glass of butterbeer. "i didn't order this" i told her "the handsome man by the bar did" she said and pointed at Mclaggen, sitting and smiling at you from the bar, i rolled my eyes and drank the drink. "Are you sure that you're going to drink that?" she said "what? Turn down free butterbeer?" i asked her and drank my drink.

Slughorn's party was approaching and i had no one to go with, i really wanted to go, but with who?? Maybe Mclaggen wanted to go with me?? I know i've always hated him but he's handsome after all, so i took him to the party and i didn't even care that Fred and George was there with his new girlfriend, Daisy. I just had my eyes on Mclaggen, who were just telling me a joke and i laughed like crazy, why have i never seen this side of Mclaggen before?? He wasn't so bad??

Normal P.O.V

Fred however, was not happy over seeing you giggling with him. "You wanna dance?" asked Daisy but Fred weren't noticing her, he was busy with studying you and Mclaggen. "Fred?" she said, a little louder this time, and now he turned his eyes at her who was not happy. "What's wrong?" he said "you haven't given me any attention at all" she said "what? Of course i have" he said but she shook her head. "Why is it bothering you that y/n is seeing that boy?" she said and pointed at y/n giggling at Mclaggen. "She hates him, and now she's all in love with him!" he told her "People move on, Fred! You should to!" she said and then walked away from him.

Mclaggen had just left your side to grab you a drink and then Snape pointed at your shoulder, Harry was next to him. "Snape! Enjoying the party?" i asked him, he didn't answer me, just glared at me. "Dumbledore asked me to give you a message" he told us "He asked me to give you his best and he hopes you enjoy your holiday. You see, he's traveling and he won't return until term resumes" "traveling where?" asked Harry but Snape just glared at him and walked away. "Great, no more stupid classes" you said "what's wrong with you? Since when are you giggling? You never even giggled at Fred!" said Harry and you giggled "Maybe i love Cormac more than him" you told him "you love him?" he said with widened eyes and you nodded then he came back "Babe!" you said full with joy and grabbed your drink.

Too good to be True "The Twins who lived" Fred Weasley X reader حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن