Snape's worst memory Part 1

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All of the students got Detentions in the common Days. Fred and George got it the most, they put Montague in the vanished cabinet and put fireworks in the Hallways. You loved how those two enjoyed this, And Umbridge really deserved it. You was up in the common room, in Fred's lap and a lot of people was around them. "How's fred as a boyfriend?" Asked Alicia Spinnet, Fred looked at you, wondered What you would say. "He's the best boyfriend" you said and he smiled and kissed you.

Harry was feeling guilty over not practising Occlumency. "Have you been talking to Cho Chang?" You asked, you know that Harry kissed her. He didn't answer, you went to Snape's lesson. It was interrupt by Draco "Umbridge needs your help, Sir" he said "They've found Montaque. In a toilet" and you laughed but stopped when Snape looked at you. He left the classroom, Harry walked towards the pensieve. "What are you doing?" You asked "I'm just gonna look into Snape's thoughts for a bit, Okay?" He said "Why?" You said and walked closer to the pensieve. "He might be Evil.." you groaned, but Harry looked down in the pensieve anyway and so did you.

You was standing in the great hall, It was a classroom now. You looked around, like Harry, but you looked in different directions. You saw A sign..


You showed Harry, "So, he's around are age.." he said "who?" you asked, and he showed you Snape as a teenager. You looked around for your dad, and his friends, and you saw a boy alike Harry. "Harry.." you said, and he saw him...

The test was over and you followed, your dad, your godfather, Harry's godfather, Peter Pettigrew out of Hogwarts, as teenagers. They talked about the test, as they walked out of the castle, you saw that Snape was following them or something like that. They walked to the lake, "How's Kathie doing?" asked James and Sirius stopped smiling, instead he glared at James. "Oh c'mon" Said James and groaned "I don't want to talk about Kathie" Snapped Sirius. "Awww... Padfoot  is in love" Teased James and ruffled his hair. "Shut up" Said Sirius and James chuckled.

After a few minutes James started to play with his snitch and they just talked, except Sirius. He just looked up in the sky, "Are you dreaming about Kathie, Padfoot?" Asked James. Sirius glared at him and groaned "Why did you think she broke up with me?" Sirius asked "Maybe cause you tried to kill her twin brother" said James, who had his eyes on the snitch. Sirius scoffed "He deserved that" he said and. "Besides, you wasn't supposed to fall in love with her, the deal was that you would make her fall in love with you" Said James, Sirius looked at him and sighed "Yeah, i know".

James continued to play with the snitch, and Wormtail gasped evertime he cought it. Remus read the book, and Sirius just looked up the sky. After a while Sirius got tired of James playing with the snitch, cause Peter gasped everytime he caught it.

"I'm bored," said Sirius after James put the snitch in his pocket. "Wish it was full moon."

"You might," said Lupin darkly from behind his book. "We've still got Transfiguration, if you're bored you could test me. . . . Here." He held out his book.

Sirius snorted "I don't need to look at that rubbish, I know it all." Lupin rolled his eyes and continued to read the book. "I told you not to Use Kathie" said Remus and Sirius glared at him "But to be honest, i didn't know you was going to be the one who got hurt" Sirius ignored him, What did Lupin mean? Did Sirius use Kathleen? "I'm not hurt!" Snapped Sirius "No of course, No one ever hurts Sirius Black" Said James "He's the one Who's hurting girls" Remus glared at James "Thank you, Prongs" said Sirius. Lupin rolled his eyes, and James looked away..

"This'll liven you up, Padfoot," said James quietly. "Look who it is. . . ."

Sirius's head turned. He had become very still, like a dog that has scented a rabbit. "Excellent," he said softly. "Snivellus." Said James.

They walked towards Young Snape, who was Reading "All right, Snivellus?" Said James loudly. They continued to Bully him, they used magic on him.. Gosh, you couldn't believe that, that prat was your father. "Leave him alone!" Said a girl's voice, you looked and saw her. Someone walked behind her, she was alike Snape, except she didn't have his nose. "You leave my twin brother alone, you git!" Snapped the second girl...

The first girl had Dark red hair, like yours, and you recognized her eyes, It was Harry's.. the first girl was your mom and the second one was Kathleen Snape...

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