Third Task

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You went to the old quidditch stadium. Where the third task was. They was playing music and all the Champions went on the field. Lupin behind you, and Mrs and Bill Weasley behind Harry.

Students cheered, when their favourite champion came and a few moments later, Dumbledore began to speak. "SONORUS!" He shouted and people went silent and they stop playing music.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows the exact position" He began "Now as Mr. Diggory.." and people cheered and you clapped your hands (Most cause piss Fred off, you was still mad at him). "And Ms and Mr Potter.." and your friends cheered at you. Cedric clapped his hands to since you did it at him and you smiled at him. "Are tied for first position they will be first to enter the maze followed by Mr. Krum.." (His supporters cheered at him). "And miss Delacour" and her's supporters cheered. "The first person to touch the cup will be the winner!" Dumbledore shouted and everyone cheered.

"I've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. Should, at any point, a contestant wish to Withdraw from the task.. he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands" Dumbledore said and turned around to you. "Contestants! Gather around. Quickly!" Dumbledore said and you all gathered around him, Cedric standing next to you.

"In the maze, you'll find no dragons or creatures of the deep. Instead, you'll face something even more challenging. You see, people change in the maze. Oh, find the cup If you can" He said. "But be very wary, you could just lose yourselves along the way" he said and you and Harry hold your hands. "Champions, prepare yourselves!" He shouted and people cheered while you and Harry gave each other a hug. "I love you, don't die" You said "You too" he said "Good luck" Cedric said "you to" you said. You went to Lupin and gave him a hug, "Be careful" he said and gave you an another hug. "Good luck" he said "I am proud to be your godfather".

The task began and you went inside the maze. It was silent. You only heard your own breath. You walked slowly in the maze, you was scared to death. You thought of Fred, you wish he was here, he would calm you down. He would tell a joke or something that would make you laugh...  you thought of which joke that would be.. then you heard Fleur's scream. You tried to find her but it was impossoble. You ran and saw someone and you shouted when you saw him. It was Cedric. "Hi" he said  and you didn't answer because it was a storm in the maze. You and Cedric ran together holding hands. Then Krum showed up and was going to attack, and it that moment Harry showed up to. Cedric pushed you to the ground "GET DOWN!" Cedric shouted at Harry and he did What he Said. He stupefied Krum and ran forwards him. You stood up and ran to Harry and helped him standing up. Cedric was going to hurt Krum but you and Harry stopped him. "He's been bewitched, Cedric!" You shouted "Get off me!" He said "He's been bewitched" Harry said and Cedric tried to push you away. You knew Cedric would never do that you..

You ran while fighting with Cedric. Then you saw the cup. All 3 of you ran to it, you tried to stop Cedric from coming to it first and he did the same. The maze attacked Cedric and he fell, you stopped because he was calling for help. You ran and helped him. "Thanks" he said "No, Thank you" you said "For what?" He said "For help me realise what a jerk, Fred is" You said "But he's my jerk". You thought of a moment you had with Lupin... you had asked him for advice. If you're going to break up with Fred and be with Cedric, or If you or going to forgive Fred. You didn't know who you liked the most. Remus said:

"You like Cedric. You love Fred".

You thought of that while you looked into Cedric eyes, it wasn't the same when you looked into Fred's. Lupin was right, but..

You didn't get to think about that anymore because a storm came into the maze and the maze's walls began to close. "You get it, y/n! You saved me!" Cedric said "No Harry.." "we do it together!" Harry shouted and you all took the cup but you apparate to an another place...

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