168. The O2L Fun

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Connor's pov

After me and Noelani had our five minutes of being idiots together. I had to leave her so I could do the O2L meet up. She said she will meet me at the stage and to have fun with the boys.

She is so cute. I love how she has to reach up and kiss me. And when she does it's gently because she can't reach my height. Even on her tippy toes. I either have to lean down of lift her up slightly.

Me and the boys are all hyped up about our meet and greet. Straight after we have to run to the stage we are doing our show with Noelani on.

"Does Noelani know the dance?" Jc asks me.

"Yes she does. She went hyper on me when I told her she had to practise it. She already knows the moves." I say feeling proud of her.

"You're girl is impressive. I saw a video of her doing a flip off of your back." Sam says with an impressed tone of voice.

"Yeah she did. She was hanging backwards from my back. She done this weird flip thing to get down. I was shocked cuz I thought she had fell." I say grinning slightly.

"Are you ready for the Last Show?" Ricky asks me.

"Yeah. Thanks for helping me you guys." I say smiling.

"No problem. I hope it goes as planned." Trevor says smiling.

"Guys we gotta go out now." Kian says excitedly.

We all line up. Me in front and Ricky behind me. The other four argue about who's going next but soon decide when me and Ricky walk out of the curtain. All of our fans scream and me and the others wave and get in a line.

I stand next to Ricky and Jc and the first couple of fans come forward. We hug them individually and take a group photo with each of them. We all do the crab face in some of them. Kian does it in a lot of them at last minute.

We sometimes do the crab stance as well. Legs slightly apart, crouched down, arms out like a crab and hands like claws. We pull the face and I think they must be the funniest pictures. We take some normal, smiley photo's.

Or the fan would ask to be on one of our backs. They would ask for one of us to kiss their cheek and the other five to pull shocked or angry faces. They are all fun and different as we all change positions and who we are stood next to.

We are near the end and we are on our last person. I hear the boys laugh and a familiar giggle. I look up confused and see a girl biting her bottom lip.

"Can I have a photo with you?" She asks with a slight smirk on her face.

"Of course you can. What would you like the photo to look like?" Ricky asks grinning.

"Well I was kinda hoping that Connor would kiss my cheek. But only if that is okay." She says rubbing her arm and biting her bottom lip again.

"I think Connor could do that for you." Kian says laughing.

Her cheeks turn pink and she stands next to me. I kiss her cheek for the photo and the boys either do a crab face of just laugh. She moves across us boys. Doing something fun with each of us.

"You little one, are impossible." Jc says.

"Well you know me. I love surprising people." Her eyes were on me the whole time she said that.

I lift her up and she chuckles. I kiss her quickly before the boys can take the piss.

"You Miss Bungay, are impossible." I say kissing her nose.

"Well I am a fangirl too. I deserve to have my fun whilst I am here" She says hugging me.

"Well we should get to our show. And you, are gunna slow us down!" Ricky says lifting Noelani over his shoulders.

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