73. My Escape

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Songs for this chapter:

Can't Stand It- Never Shout Never

Losing It- Never Shout Never

Noelani's pov

"Drive safe!" Kian shouts after me.

"I will!" I shout over my shoulder to him.

"Bye Noelani!" Sam and Trevor shout to me.

"Bye boys!"

I run out the front door and to Kian's car. I have no idea where I will drive to but I just need to drive somewhere to clear my head. I think a highway is my best option to renew my mind. I can drive fast, there are open roads and the lanes are huge.

I get in the car and realise that I have gotten in the wrong side, classic English to American mistake, I doubt that, I'm probably the only one to do that.

I climb over to the drivers seat and put the keys in the ignition to start the car. The engine roars to life within seconds and a small smile reaches my lips.

I look around me for any other cars that may be driving past and I get comfy with Kian's because I've never driven in America yet. I have my license, I just don't like driving and plus Tyler or Connor always drives anyway.

I'm not use to the steering wheel being on the left hand side and I have to drive on the right side of the road. When I have that drilled into my head, I check around me again and hastily drive away from the house.

I try to remember the roads to where the highways are and the more I drive around the more I recognise where I need to go. I drive slowly first so I can get use to the differences and when I am happy I make my way to my destination.

I drive to the highway and roll my window down to the lowest that it will go. I put on some music, well whatever Kian is listening to and I turn the volume up loud not caring what people think when I drive past them.

I pick up speed and change into a different gear. The roads are surprisingly empty though, with only a few cars driving next to me and on the over side .

I start to sing along to the music and I put one hand out of the window, feeling the cool air blowing against my skin as I drive along the highway. It feels relaxing, I feel free. Freer that I have in a while.

I smile slightly and carry on driving straight, slowly picking up speed the further I go and the more I feel like I can escape.

I giggle slightly as excitement fills my body. I turn the volume up to the loudest and scream the lyrics to the songs. I roll down all of the windows, I am loving this feeling of freedom I am getting from driving on an empty road.

I press on the brakes as I have to turn a slight corner. My phone starts ringing in my pocket but I ignore it and soon after the long seconds of ringing I get a text message.

I carry on singing along to the songs and my fingers tap out the beat on the steering wheel and I cheer myself along as if I'm in a race and I'm about to cross the line with 1st place written in the skies. It feels like the other cars are my opponents and I can't let them win.

I start to feel slightly hungry and my stomach rumbles and growls at me so I leave the highway and turn down the volume. I drive to the closest Mcdonalds and park when I arrive.

I get out the car and enter the restaurant. The smell of junk food fills my nose and makes my stomach rumble again and even louder.

I'm in town so I'll eat something and look round afterwards. I order a hamburger and some fries and wait patiently for my meal to be made. It feels like forever until they finally give it to me in a takeout bag.

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