58. Reporting The Incident

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Songs for this chapter:

Noelani's pov

We all talk for another hour and the manager asks to speak to me and Tyler. We follow him nervously into the office. We both sit down in two chairs and there is a police officer in front of us.

"So what happened?" A police officer asks us.

"I went to the girls toilet and I heard someone else enter but it was The Waiter. I have had a bad experience with him about three to four weeks ago, he raped me.

"I texted Tyler to help me because I knew I was in danger. But The Waiter somehow managed to unlock the door and he strangled me. Tyler pulled him off me and The Waiter started hurting Ty and I screamed for him to leave him alone and to stop hitting but he started to kick, punch, elbow me in the stomach.

"He then went back and hurt Tyler until he was unconscious. I pulled The Waiter off him because he was still going for Tyler and he hurt me and in the stomach so I let go off him because I was in pain and he ran away." I say in a rush.

"Is this true?" The officer asks Tyler.

"Yes officer." Tyler says nodding his head.

"Okay, keep your eyes out for him and if you see him call the police straight away. We have officers out looking for him but there is a chance that he has escaped.

"This man has been wanted for a few years now because he rapes girls and will hurt them until they commit suicide or until he kills them. We have caught him a few times but he manages to escape, we don't know how but he always finds a way.

"We are very sorry you had to be a victim of this man. He seems to target a lot of girls like you but he only attacks the once. We don't understand why he has attacked you twice now. Do you know this man?" The officer asks sternly.

"No officer. I don't know this man." I say shaking.

"Okay. Just stay safe and keep your eyes out for him. This man might have some sort of obsession with you so stay alert and look after yourself. Remember to call us if you see him."

I gulp slightly and we are both dismissed. I bite my bottom lip to stop myself from crying. This man has killed people! He is a murderer! He could have killed me! A tear leaves my eye as me and Tyler walk back to the table.

"Good job you texted me." Tyler whispers.

I nod my head because I know we have reached peoples earshot and also the fact that I don't want to risk my voice breaking half way through.

We join the table again and I sit down and look at my hands. People try to talk to me but I just nod or shake my head, no longer in the mood to talk to others. A few tears leave my eyes but I wipe them away quickly. I fiddle with my dress, feeling self conscious.

It's been an hour since the police and my second experience of torture with The Waiter. I am starting to feel tired and freezing cold.

We are outside and it is pitch black. My eyes watch people as they walk past us or on the other side of the road. I stare at the entrances to buildings and in the shadows. I feel like The Waiters eyes are on me, that he could he round the corner or behind me. Maybe he is even stood next to me without me realising.

I start shivering badly, out of coldness and fear. I hug myself but I don't feel any warmer, if anything I grow colder. Connor takes his blazer off and wraps it around my shoulders. I thank him by smiling but I start to feel bad as he shivers slightly. I hug him tightly to try and keep him warm as we wait for our Ubers to arrive.

After ten minutes more of waiting they finally arrive and we both climb into a cab with Tyler and Jackie again. I cuddle into Connor's side slightly and my eyes start to close but I try to fight against them so they stay open.

I can tell it is a losing battle so I let my eyes close slowly. Connor holds my hand in his but his fingers are freezing. He cuddles me closer towards him so he can keep me warm. I shiver against him and Connor tries to desperately warm me up as my temperature drops even more.

"Let me, I am warm." Tyler says.

I open my eyes slightly and Tyler pulls me into his side, with an arm round my shoulders and my head resting on his. Tyler is right, he is boiling. I cuddle into him so I can warm up as my body has grown numb and after a few minutes I stop shivering. He rubs my arm and I fight to keep my eyes open until we reach home.

When we arrive outside of the apartment block we all jump out of the car and go into our apartment and the heating is on.

I go into the bathroom and jump into the shower. I don't care that it is eleven at night, I need to shower. I take off my bandages and the padding. I hold my breath and my stomach and chest is badly bruised.

I sigh at how terrible I look, scars, cuts, bruises... I let the warm water run down my body and I shampoo my hair and condition it. I clean my body and cringe as the cuts on my stomach sting as the body wash cleans away the blood.I decide to shave my legs and underarms while I am in here.

I get out of the shower and I feel nice and fresh. I wrap a towel around my body and dry it quickly and I wrap my hair up in a towel too. I walk out the bathroom and run into my room because I forgotten to take some pjs and knickers into the bathroom with me.

Thankfully nobody is in my room so I get in my onesie and blow dry my hair. I turn my light off and climb into bed. I don't care if Connor isn't next to me right now, I am exhausted and want to sleep the pain away.



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See you soon! Xx

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