167. Troyler Events

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Tyler's pov

I make it just in time for the LGBT panel. I see Troye lounging around backstage so I walk over to him. I pull his chin to face me and I plant my lips on his.

He pulls away and when he sees that it is me he kisses me again. He pulls me round and onto his lap. I kiss his neck gently and he groans against my cheek. I smirk slightly.

"Tyler you might wanna stop. We have to go up." He whispers

"Fine." I say standing up from his lap.

We walk to the steps to take us to the stage. We greet Hannah, Kingsley and Lucas as they are part of the LGBT crew. We are signalled to go up on stage and we all run on.

Everyone cheers and screams as we sit down in our seats. I am sat next to Troye and Hannah, this is going well already.

We get asked questions about when we all came out. We are sat in front of gays or people that need our help. It's an honour for us to help these young people because we were once in their shoes. But we didn't have the Trevor Project to help us.

These young people get us for support or to help them come out to their loved ones. It's upsetting because the rates of suicide of gay or bi people is way too high. I'm glad that it is slowly dropping as they find out about the Trevor Project.

We give them advice about what they could to to come out to their parents or friends. We tell them what we done. A lot of us dropped hints as our build up. Then when we were ready, we came out to them. Or we just said the words that we are gay to our loved ones and prayed for them to accept us and our sexuality.

We mostly got everyones acceptance. The only person who didn't except me was my dad so I cut him out of my life. I don't want people in my life if they can't accept for who I am.

I am proud to be gay and nobody can change that about me. Maybe that one messed up acception of Noelani months ago but still...

We answer loads of questions from the crowd and a lot of them asks similar question like if it gets better. It really does. If you play the right cards and cut people out that don't like it about you. You ignore the haters. Then you will be happy and live the life you want to live.

Just like Troye Sivan is, he is teasing me under the table. No one can see what he is doing because there is a cloth over the table, hiding our feet.

He is rubbing his foot against my leg. His hand is resting on my thigh but slowly sneaking closer to my crotch. The only problem is the fact that we are in front of a crowd. And straight after we have our show together... This bitch is such a tease.

I growl slightly when his hand rests on my crotch. He pulls his hand away and has a proud smirk on his face. I quickly unzip his flies as my small act of a punishment and his eyes widen slightly. He quickly zips himself back up.

We get some confused looks from the people in the crowd. We both reposition ourselves so we are comfy again and we carry on with the panel.

We finish the LGBT Panel and lets just say me and Troye kept on teasing each other... We make our way, hands joint, to the stage where we will be holding out Troyler show.

Me and Troye have been planning it but it's only an hour. Well I guess that is actually quite a good thing...

We make it to the backstage and we quickly run through everything together and with the crew. We both get really excited as we can hear everyone screaming and chanting for Troyler.

We get the signal to go up and we hold hands and walk out onto the stage. I vlog it and they all go crazy. I laugh and Troye's smile grows more as we can see loads of banners and signs. The fans freaking out and going completely mental.

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