96. The Famous Three

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Noelani's pov

I am woken up by small light kisses on my shoulder. I giggle into my pillow and cuddle into the body that belongs to a Franta.

"Hey." He says into my hair.

"Hi there." I say smiling.

"Me and Tyler want to go out for a walk. Do you want to come with us?" He asks.

"Sure." I say sitting up and rubbing my eyes, entering a world of black of swirly lines and sparkles.

"Okay." He says smiling.

"You know you're going to have to pull me out of bed?" I ask him.

He sighs and stands up in front of me. I smirk slightly as he should know this already. He takes my hands and pulls me up and into his arms. I squeal as he kisses my neck and gently places me on my feet.

"I love you." I say smiling up at him.

He doesn't say anything. He just kisses the tip of my nose and walks out my room. I go into the bathroom with my change of clothes and take a shower...

"Come on Noelani!" I hear Connor shout through the door.

"But it's warm in here!" I groan.

"We will leave without you!" He threats.

"No! I am coming out now I promise!" I scream.

I get out of the warm shower I was enjoying and dry myself off. I get into my dress. Yes I know it is winter but it is bloody warm here. It has stopped snowing and now it's back to the boiling hot Cali weather.

I blow dry my hair and brush my teeth. I walk into my room and decide to curl my hair quickly. When I decide it has been curled enough I add a flower crown and quickly put on some natural make up.

I know it's just a walk but walks always lead to something else. You always run into some fans that want a photo with you or you to record them a message. Well I get asked to record them messages anyway...

And plus, I just want to look good so I can feel good. It also makes me feel a bit more confident to go outside. Also, who wants to look at my cuts as I walk past them? No one. I put on some lip gloss and grab my bag with my phone and purse inside.

I walk out to the boys and they both wolf whistle, making me go red even though I have blush on to cover it up. But no, they still realise and comment on my red cheeks. They always bully me because it is so easy to make me blush.

"Shut up. Let's go!" I say skipping out the front door without them.

They both run after me and once they have caught up they walk either side of me. I hold their hands as we walk down the pavement, or to them it's the sidewalk.

We walk across to the park with a forest trail. Trees and flowers surround the path and there are families walking past us. We walk past tourists with cameras but they speak a language we don't recognise.

We walk along and I hear whispers and gasps. The boys keep on walking and talking as I admire my surroundings. I have never been here so it is all new to me.

I walk behind them slightly as I admire the whole park. I see squirrels run up trees or across the grass and I giggle slightly as children squeal and chase after them. They call their dads over and ask them to pick up a squirrel that is sat high up within the tree branches.

I get ripped away from my admiring as I feel someone grab my wrist and I jump slightly.

"Hey get off me!" I scream as they yank me backwards.

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