33. Butterflies

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Song for this chapter:
Kiss Me Slowly- Parachute

Connor's POV

There's one more reenactment that I really want to do, and that is a photo of a kiss. I know Noelani would say no but it will help me find out how I feel about her.

I have had these weird feelings about her, like I should protect her, like I should be with her nearly all the time, like I love her, but since the argument I feel like we have grown distant.

I show her the photo and her eyes widen. She says something and I hear Tyler ask to see the photo and I show him. He has the same reaction and agrees with what Noelani said, but a smirk on his face.

"... go for it." I hear Noelani say.

I look at her amazed that she said yes.

I sit opposite her on the couch and I gently take her hand in mine. They fit together perfectly. I squeeze her hand and she squeezes mine back smiling at me. My body starts tingling and I lean in slightly, so does Noelani and I can tell that she is scared.

I close the gap between us and as soon as our lips meet I feel shocks going through my body and my eyes snap shut, savouring the moment. My stomach feels weird but I like it. It's like there is something inside me. My ears fill up with that buzzing sound. My heart does flips and my body tingles even more. I feel as if parts of me have been stuck back together. I feel like I have been brought back down to this Earth because of this kiss.

Noelani pulls away and we both open our eyes. I try to fight my body as I want to kiss her again. I know how I feel now for sure.

She whispers that, that was her first kiss. She let me be her first kiss? Why? Wouldn't she want someone special to be her first kiss? Millions of questions fill my head and I try to answer then but I fail.

We stay silent for a few minutes and turn back to the camera. We end the video and Noelani seems to be shy. As I turn off the camera she goes into her room.

"Should I go and check on her?" I ask Tyler.

"No give her time. You were her first kiss Connor. I think she is just a bit shocked." He says smiling. "But on the plus side, I got some bloody adorable photo's!" He squeals.

"Let me see." I say quietly.

He sits next to me and shows me. Noelani is red faced and so am I. I smile slightly and the photo's disappear as Tyler locked his phone.

I hear a door open and Noelani walks out. She sits next to Tyler and cuddles into him nervously. I wish that I was Tyler. I sit back feeling slightly worried.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asks her.

She hums slightly and he wraps his arm around her shoulders. She wraps her arm around his waist and I feel her small fingers intertwine with mine.

I look at her and see her shyly smiling at me. I smile back at her to let her know that I am okay. She hides her face in Tyler's side. I go on my phone and after half an hour Tyler pokes me.

I look at him and he looks down at Noelani. I look at her and notice that she has fallen asleep curled into Tyler's side. I lock my phone and stand up. I put my hand under her knees and my other on her back. I gently lift her up and carry her to her room.

Before I walk away I realise I can't because she had gripped onto my sweater. I try to unwind her small fingers from the material but she has a good grip on it.

I take it off and push it towards her. She pulls it towards her and she cuddles into the bodiless item of clothing. I smile slightly and walk out of her room. She murmurs something in her sleep but I ignore it and joking Tyler in the living room.
Happy Halloween!!! I am so sorry this is late but. Anew part will be up tomorrow I absolutely promise!

So Noelani likes Connor and Connor likes Noelani... Ooohhh! What do you think Noelani said in her sleep? Or was she just groaning as she got comfy in bed?

I had an actual song for this chapter! That is partly why this is up late but also I have been super super busy with shit!

Do you think #Nonnor could be a thing?

If you enjoyed this chapter remember to give it a vote and leave a comment telling me what you think. It motivates me to write more for you guys and to update on time, like early...

Thank you for reading!

Bye! Xx

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