56. Birthday Meal

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Songs for this chapter:

Noelani's pov

We are all in cabs, well Americans call them "Ubers". I don't get it either but oh well. I am sharing my can with Connor, Tyler and Jackie.

I rest my head on Connor's shoulder as he plays with my fingers. I don't really know what his intention with my fingers is but it feels nice and relaxing. He bends them back slightly and sometimes they make that horrible cracking sound, causing me to cringe.

I also hold Tyler's hand and ours just stay locked together but his thumb stoked my thumb slightly.

We listen to the radio that's playing in the background and Jackie is talking to the cab driver quietly. Connor stops playing with my hand and he holds it normally. I look up at him and smile to myself.

I look at Tyler and he is staring at our hands. He has been acting kind of weird around me ever since me and Connor have gotten together. I think I need to talk to him. I squeeze his hand gently and he squeezes mine back after a few seconds.

After a half an hour drive we make it to the restaurant. We all get out of the cab and thank the driver. Jackie pays, making me feel bad and the others pull up and get out too.

We all group together, making sure that everyone is here. When we sure that our large group is here we all walk into the restaurant together.

"Reservation for Mr Franta." Connor says.

"Right this way sir." The waiter says.

He leads us to a very long table. There are small name cards near the seats and mine is on one of the ends. Connor is to my right and Tyler is to my left. Perfect in my opinion.

Opposite me is where Joe is sat and we all sit in our chairs. I smile at everyone and they smile back. After a few seconds we all look at the menus. I look at mine and decide to have a gammon steak. Fuck salads, that is the rule tonight.

The waiter returns and takes our orders. We all talk in our small groups but me and Connor stay silent. I just observe the restaurant and how cute and kind of romantic it is.

Tyler is talking to Troye who is sat next to him and the English youtubers are all talking. Joey and Sawyer are nattering away and the O2L boys are laughing as Kian does something funny.

I finish looking at my new friends and smile at Connor and he smiles back. He tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear and I thank him quietly.

I feel starving, I haven't eaten anything all day because for a majority of it I was asleep trying to sober up, film, edit and help Connor get changed... Clear to say I am sober now and I am just craving a lot of fruit juice, food and films. I know my plan for tonight at least.

"Are you okay?" Connor asks me as I rub my stomach because it's starting to sting.

"Yeah, just stings." I say quietly.

He holds my free hand and I smile lightly. Five waiters and waitresses return with our food after about forty minutes. We all thank them and tuck in to our meals.

My food tastes great so I don't bother trying to act as if I not hungry. I eat it a quick but polite pace as do the others.

After half an hour of silence as we eat our meals, we finish. We all start to talk and this time Tyler talks to me. It looks like he has seen a ghost or something has shaken him up.

"Noelani can we go outside for a second?" He asks quietly but with urgency in his voice.

I nod my head and follow him out the restaurant. He sighs slightly and I can see he has fear spread over his face.

"Tyler? What is it?" I ask scared.

"You know the man that raped you? The waiter at the 80's diner?"

I nod my head and I start to tremble.

"He is here. He was one of the waiters. He was staring at you the whole time. If you go somewhere tell me or Connor okay. I think he is going to follow us because he was not taking his eyes of you. I was staring at him the whole time."

I nod my head to show him I understand and a tear escapes my eye. My breathing quickens knowing that he is here, in the same building as us. Tyler pulls me into his arms and I hug him tight.

"What if he hurts me again?" I ask Tyler shaking and as more tears leave my eyes.

"Scream your loudest or try to break something." Tyler says hugging me tighter as my body starts shaking with fear.

"Okay." My voice breaks slightly.

"Now when we go back in smile and act natural." Tyler says wiping my eyes.

I nod my head, take a very deep but shaky breathe, and follow him close behind. We sit back at the table and I look for the man, so I know where he is.

I spot him and my body tenses up as he is smirking at me. My breathing quickens and I start to feel sick. What if he comes back over? What if when we leave, nobody is looking and he takes me?!

"Noelani?" Connor asks shaking my arm slightly.

I pull my eyes away from the man and I look at Connor slightly dazed.

"Yeah?" I ask him still over thinking.

"Are you okay?" He asks concerned.

I nod my head and hold his hand.

My eyes flicker over to the man again and he is staring angrily at me and Connor. I can tell he is going to hurt me or Connor.

"Noelani?" Tyler says.

I look at him scared.

"Try to forget he is here." He says holding my hand.

"I'm trying too but I am scared." I tell him.

"I know hun. We are all here with you though, okay?"

I nod my head slightly to show him that I understand him once again. He rubs my arm and talks to Troye.

There is a spare seat on the other end of the table. I walk over and sit there and Joe and Caspar start talking to me immediately.

We arrange to film a video together, the three of us and I feel really excited to do so. I love Jaspar and they have already fingered out our ship name. 'Jasparani' is what we are apparently called when the three of us are together.

I need to go to the toilet desperately so I excuse myself from Joe and Caspar. I look over at Tyler and he looks at me. I mouth that I need to go to the toilet and he nods. Just so they know where I am if something happens...


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Comment what you think of this chapter and the return of "The Waiter!"

This chapter is to thank you guys for 2K reads! That's crazy cool! I love y'all so much!

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