164. Flipping Out

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Noelani's pov

I start to run for it before anyone else can see me. I ignore people who call my name. I keep on running. I'm not going back to the room because that's where the other two would go.

I go to a room that looks like it isn't in use. I open the door and it is full of paper and desks. I close the door behind me and turn on the light.

Anger fills me and I scream and throw a stack of paper across the room. The sheets flying in all directions. I clear everything from a desk in one swift movement. Still screaming.

I grab a desk and throw it at all the others, hearing the wood and metal colliding together. I kick and punch at the wall as tears come streaming down from my eyes.

Blood marks start to show on the wall where I am punching it. My knuckles are slightly cut open.

I melt against the back wall. I hide my face in my knees and cry. My body trembling. My frame surrounded by destroyed paper and desks. The desks aren't broken, just flipped over and not nicely positioned like they were.

Why didn't the boys just work with me? I felt dragged down by it too. They made me come to the stupid panel anyway. Yet they couldn't be fucked to do it themselves! I am so mad with them.

My phone starts ringing and it is Troye. I decline it and rest my phone on my lap. I get text messages and more phone calls that I decline or ignore.

After a while of me just crying, I decide I should tidy this room slightly. I mean I destroyed it so I can't just leave it in a state.

I pull my body up from the floor and move the desks back to where I found them. I collect most of the paper up and put them in stacks on the tables. I walk out the room leaving the room kind of like how I found it.

I close the door and walk down the hallway with my head hung down low. I don't want to stay in my room tonight. I don't want to have dinner with all the others either.

My q and a with Jack and Finn is at seven and finishes at nine. I grumble with annoyance.

I don't have anywhere to go. I pull out my phone and hide behind a plant. I scroll in the search for a room to stay in for the night. I come across Scott's number. I argue with myself whether I should call him and I eventually do.

"Hello?" He answers.

"Hi Scott, it's me Noelani. I know this is late notice. But I don't suppose I could stay with you and Mitch tonight? I will sleep on the couch and I'll stay out of you way. Something happened at the panel earlier and I can't face the boys. I just need a night away." I say crying again.

"Yeah of course you can! Come round whenever you want!" Scott says immediately.

"Thank you Scott. I'm sorry that I have to call on you. But I don't want to be with the English Crew either."

"No it's not a problem at all! We can have a girls night!" He says excitedly.

"Okay. I look forward to it. Bye Scott." I say giggling slightly.

"Bye Noelani." We both hang up.

I put my phone away and it is five. I'll go and have dinner now I guess.

I walk to the dining room and it's almost empty apart from the odd YouTuber. I grab a sandwich, as I'm not feeling that hungry.

I sit in the far corner, tucked up so nobody could see me. I eat my sandwich, no longer feeling like food. I eat it anyway so I have something in my stomach.

Everyone else starts coming into the dining room. I hear all of my friends voices. I hide more as they sit behind me. They haven't noticed my appearance. Thank god for that.

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