53. Becoming Sober

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Songs for this chapter:

Noelani's pov

I wake up at three in the morning. My eyes sore because I'm still tired and I have a splitting headache and feel like I might be sick.

I look next to me and see Connor spread out on his stomach fast asleep, gently snoring. I stretch slightly and lift the covers off me. I leave Connor in my bed as I want a glass of water.

I sit up and swing my legs over the edge of the bed. I slowly start to stand up and it feels like someone has thrown a brick into my face. My head flies up to my head and I groan slightly, my voice soar.

I start to push myself up off the bed but I feel dizzy. I feel the warmth of sick rising in my throat along with the horrible itchy tingles. I start to gag so I run to the bathroom with my hand covering my mouth.

I close the door behind me so the others won't hear me throw up. I hurry over to the toilet and fall on my butt. I lean over it and throw up, letting the grossness leave my body, taking lasts nights alcohol and food with it.

It burns my throat as it leaves my body and all I can taste is alcohol and sick mixed together. Tasting that makes me throw up even more. I am so weak when it comes to alcohol. My stomach can't hold it for more than a few hours.

Tears fill my eyes and I start crying as I am being sick. I seriously hate throwing up because it makes me feel guilty for being ill. My stomach starts to feel empty but somehow I am still managing to puke up something. It's just a horrible orange liquid that is leaving a scratchy feeling inside me.

I hear a faint knock on the bathroom door and then hurried footsteps. I feel somebody's hand gently rub my back and holding my hair out of my face as I lean over the toilet crying. My body is shaking violently and I feel horrible and sweaty.

"You're okay." I hear the Australian accent say.

"I'm... S- sorry." I cry as I am sick.

"It's okay, you are hungover." Troye says still rubbing my back. "Just let it leave your body."

I throw up again and I start to feel faint as nothing is coming up, I gasp for air and it fills my lugs making me cough as I haven't been able to breath for the past five minutes.

"C- can you... get Jackie?" I ask Troye in tears.

"Yes of course." He says jumping up to leave the bathroom.

I am sick again whilst I wait and I hear the door open once more.

"Awh hunni." Jackie says rushing over to rub my back.

"I'm s- sorry Jackie." I say in tears.

"It's okay sweet. Lets bring you to the couch okay?" She asks.

I nod my head and she gives me a tissue for my eyes and mouth and she flushes the toilet. She helps me up and I lean into her as my legs are trembling and I still feel faint and dizzy.

She sits me on the couch with Troye sitting next to me, rubbing circles into my back and she goes into the kitchen. She returns with a sick bucket and a large glass of water. I gladly accept the water and gulp it down, feeling slightly better now that I have something in my stomach.

She sits next to me and pulls me into her arms. I cry into her shoulder and my stomach starts to hurt and I start to get cramps because I strained my stomach muscles by being sick.

I keep on saying sorry because I feel really bad that she and Troye had to watch me being ill. Hangovers are the shittest things ever. Drinking the alcohol is fun and then after its like a living hell for having a drink...

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