147. Running After Troye

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Noelani's pov

I hear the front door slam shut and distant crying. I look and see Troye has gone. Oh no...

"I'll go after him." Tyler says running to the door.

"No Tyler, let me." I say pushing him out of the way.

"Why?" Tyler asks me confused.

"You stay here and let me sort this." I say firmly.

"Fine." Tyler says looking slightly annoyed.

I look at Connor and he nods his head. I smile and chase after Troye. I think I'm the one that needs to sort out this problem.

I see Troye run to the stairs so I run their too. I can hear his footsteps on the steps underneath me.

"Troye wait!" I shout.

"Piss off!" I hear him cry.

No, I will chase after you for as long as it takes. I reach the bottom of the huge, tiring flight of stairs. I see him running to the music room. I run to the room but get stopped my Kian.

"Kian can we talk later? I have to do something." I say trying to push past him in the nicest way possible.

"Okay sure." He says moving out of my way.

I run down the hall and I hear Troyes sobs. I knock on the door softly as I don' want o draw any attention from anyone else.

"Just fuck off." I hear him cry from inside.

I open the door slowly and he sees it's me. His eyes soften and his cries grow louder. I go in and lock the door behind me.

I walk over to him slowly, being careful that he won't freak out. My lower region hurts like fuck and running has made it even worse.

"Troye?" I ask quietly.

I kneel in front of him and look at him sadly. He is sat there sobbing into his hands.

I crawl next to him and pull him into my lap. Probably not my greatest idea but I have to. He cries into my neck and I hold him tightly as I let him cry. I rub small circles into his shoulder to try and comfort him. I start to feel guilty. Am I the one that has upset him?

"Troye I am sorry." I whisper

"It's not your fault." He says silently.

He looks up at me and I wipe his tears away with my thumb.

"Then what is wrong?" I ask him.

"I have been keeping a secret." He says not looking at me.

'Shit.' I say in my head.

"You can trust me right Troye?" It comes out more as a question than a statement.

"Of course I can." He says quickly.

He takes a shaky breath.

"I have a huge crush on Tyler. Connor asking him how many boys he has slept with while you both haven't been there, and him going bright red and just calling them 'hook ups'... Noelani I love him. And if I were to ask him I don't want to be another one he can fuck and then move away from."

I relax a tiny bit but feel bad for him. He has been hiding this secret for so long.

"Troye I promise you that Tyler wouldn't do anything like that to you. You are still a virgin right?" I ask unsure.

"Yes." He whispers.

"Well I don't think Tyler would take your virginity for a fool around. You are one of his best friends Troye. He respects you. And those guys he has 'hooked up' with... We don't know how many or if they left him and he had actual feelings for them. Troye, Tyler would never hurt you in that way, he would want you to do it with someone you love just like he did for me."

"But I love him Noelani... I want him to be the one... I just wish he had feelings for me too. He acts different around me, he has ever since..." It looks like Troye has realised something.

"Since what?" I push him as I want to know what he has just realised.

"Since when you ran away in the forest. I kissed Tyler to calm him down from panicking. I told him that I loved him and he said it back. And ever since then he has been nervous around me. I catch him staring at me but mostly at my lips, especially when we talk. And on the mainstage when we were all holding hands, I was holding his lightly but he kept on squeezing mine."

"He was holding my hand lightly." I say thinking about it.

"Noelani do you think he... Do you think he feels the same?" Troye asks me with hope in his eyes.

"Maybe Troye. You just need to tell him what you have told me. I will be there if you want me to." I say smiling. "You should let him know. I know it will be hard and weird bcause he is our best friend but he deserves to know ore than I do."

"Noelani I really do love him. Can we go to the Youtuber hang out room?" He asks me.

"Of course we can!" I say pushing him off me gently.

He pulls me up onto my feet and I am stiff for two reasons... Nervously giggles.

"Can you text Connor to come down with Tyler? I want to tell Tyler now. He deserves to know before it is too late."

"Only if you are sure Troye. Don't push yourself because this is big. Tyler could be your first boyfriend since you have come out to us as gay."

"I am sure Noelani. I promise." He says hugging me.

"I love you Troye. I hope he loves you too. You both deserve each other. I have always shipped Troyler." I giggle.

"I love you too. And I know you have, I have stalked your tumblr a couple of times." He admits.

"That's okay because I stalk yours too." I confess.

We both giggle as that is an obvious confession. We go on each others Tumblr accounts when we are sat right next to each other.



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Thanks my loves.

Bye xx

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