155. Meeting The Group And The Three Boys

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Noelani's pov

"Are you ready?" The guard that was protecting the door asks me.

"Yep. Bring them in!" I say excitedly.

The guard opens up the door wider and the group of five girls and boys fill the room.

"Hey again!" I say opening up my arms as I stand up.

They all squeal and run in my arms, nearly bundling me over. I giggle slightly as they all squeal and thank me.

"No problem, I love you guys. You were so cool to meet and take pictures with. So I wanted to hang out with you five for a little bit longer." I say smiling at them all.

"Thank you Noelani. This means a lot to us. My name is Kyanna." Says a girl with wavy, ginger hair. She looked really pretty.

"Yeah it means a lot. I hope you like the drawing I done of you. My name is Rosie." Says a girl wearing my new hoodie.

"I literally can't believe that I am here with you... This is a dream come true. My name is Chloe." She says playing with her reddish hair.

"I love watching your collabs with other YouTubers. They are so funny and I adore them so much. My name is Jordan." Says a boy with messy dark brown hair and who is also holding hands with the girl I believe is called Kyanna.

"You literally make us all laugh. We all hang out at lunch time watching your videos or talking about your latest tweets. My name is Jack by the way." Says the last boy and member of this group, he has jet black hair which I think is dyed and he is also wearing glasses.

"Awh that means a lot to me. Thank you for supporting me it really does mean a lot. Getting to meet my viewers is amazing.

"It feels weird to think that I was once like you guys and admiring my inspirations from a screen. And now I get to be best friends with them and I inspire young people too.

"And I still need to read your letters and I will follow you all on twitter. What are your twitter names?" I ask them.

They all say their twitter handles one by one and they squeal when I follow them. It's already been about five minutes. We take a few selfies individually so they have their own photos with me and we take another group one.

I literally love these five kids, they are amazing. They are from Australia and I am in love with their accents. Jordan always tells us jokes, making us laugh. The girls tell me what their favourite videos E and Jack talks about my collab videos.

The subject changes to me and Connor and we only have a minute left. I was kind of expecing to meet some Nonnor shippers along these nex few sessions...

"Is Nonnor going to stay together forever?" Rosie asks me.

"I hope so. If you get the chance to meet Connor, make sure you do because he is lovely. But keep your hands off because he's mine!" I say pointing at the girls.

They all giggle and awh.

"It's time for them to go." Jeff says peeping his head round the door.

I nod my head and stand up.

"Well I hope you guys enjoyed our little time together. I adore you five, literally! Could you do me a favour? If you see any selfies of me and other fans could you send them to me so I can make something for the Final show? It would mean loads and I may send you some presents." I say wiggling my eyebrows.

"Of course!" They all say excitedly.

I stand by the door and hug them all each as they leave the room. The girls start crying and they boys seem upset. I start tearing up slightly as I wave them goodbye. I also wave to the other fans outside.

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