127. The YouTuber Hangout

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Noelani pov

All of the fans starts screaming when they see me. I take some selfies with them as I make my way back to the Hangout room. They all squeal after I take photos with them and vlog for a few seconds.

I open the door and everyone looks and stares at me. Stopping mid sentence and automatically turning to look at me. I feel my stomach drop and I quickly walk to the corner of the room with my head down.

I sit at a booth where no one can see me. I starts to nervously play with my hands. Someone sits opposite me and I look at them not knowing who it is. I leave my sitting spot and walk over to another corner.

Jim spots me and walks over smiling. I smile shyly and he sits next to me hugging me. I hug him back loosely.

"Why aren't you hanging out with us?" He asks.

"I gathered hiding in the shadows is what is best for me. I don't fancy everyone staring at me Jim." I say as tears fill my eyes again.

"Sweet don't worry about them. Come with me and we can meet a few people you want to meet." He says holding out his hand.

"Can we just go to our friends?" I ask him quietly, not looking at him.

"Of course." He says smiling.

I take his hand and he pulls me up. We walk over to our group and I feel scared. I feel eyes glued on me so I stay close to Jim as we make our way over.

There are a few new faces with the group and I look at Jim scared. He smiles down at me and walks me towards Tyler who is not with anyone. He is stood up with a drink in hand.

"Are you okay sweet?" He asks looking at me concerned.

I nod my head slightly and Jim leaves me with him. I watch him pull out his vlogging camera and he begins to speak to it and show the camera round.

I rub my arm nervously as someone walks over and starts talking to Tyler. I walk away leaving them to talk and I see Connor talking to a couple. I walk over shyly and stay a few steps away.

Connor looks at me and a smile grows on his face. The couple he is talking to look at me and smile too. I walk over nervously and Connor hugs me. I hug him tightly and I only then noticed I was shaking.

"Hey hun, this is Anthony and Kalel. Anthony and Kalel this is my beautiful girlfriend Noelani." He says showing me off to them proudly.

I blush slightly at his words and I shake their hands. Kalel pulls me into a hug. I hug her lightly and stand back next to Connor. They both seem quite nice.

They bring me into the conversation but I just nod my head and smile politely. I really suck at this whole socializing bullshit. I look around nervously and see Ricky. I whisper to Connor that I'm gunna say hi to Ricky and he kisses my head.

I walk over to Ricky and he pulls me into a huge hug.

"Hey you." He says hugging me tightly.

"Hi Ricky." I say pulling away.

"You okay?"

"Just trying to keep my breathing steady." I say looking down at my hands.

"Awh, I'm here if you need me." He says rubbing my arm.

"Thanks Ricky." I say smiling at him.

I look round the room and my eyes fall on two people.

"Holy shit." I whisper to myself.

"What is it?" Ricky asks.

"Scott Hoying and Mitch Grassi..." I say not believing my eyes.

"Why don't you introduce yourself to them? They are great." He says smiling.

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