151. Morning Sickness

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Noelani's pov

I wake up to small kisses on my shoulder. I groan slightly, I'm tired and not feeling it.

"Morning gorgeous." Connor says against my skin.

"Noo..." I say as I start to feel like I could throw up.

Actually scratch that, I do feel like I am about to throw up.

I race out of bed and to the bathroom. I slam the door closed and lock it behind me and crouch in front of the toilet. I feel it in my throat and I start heaving.

Eventually the horrible acidy feeling and sick comes up. Tears leave my eyes automatically as I puke.

"Noelani?!" I hear Connor shout as he pounds on the door.

I throw up again and again. I pull away when the feeling is gone and my stomach feels empty. I'm just left with a bad taste and a bad feeling in my stomach.

I rinse out my mouth with water but I can still taste sick. All the boys are trying to unlock the door and are screaming my name.

I unlock the door when I have cleaned myself up. I have flushed the toilet and wiped any of my sick off that may have been there.

I unlock the door and I feel faint. I stumble backwards but Tyler catches me before I fall.

"Noelani? Holy shit." Tyler says as my body grows weak.

He lifts me up and lays me on the bed. Something hits Connors eyes and he races out the room. Tears leave my eyes again and Troye and Tyler hold my hands.

"Can you get Zoe? I want her here." I cry.

"Okay, I'll get her." Tyler says racing out the room.

I close my eyes and Troye starts panicking. He nervously shakes my arm and whispers my name.

"I'm just closing my eyes Troye." I say silently.

"Okay. Are you okay? How are you feeling?" He asks desperately.

"I feel hungry, I could do with food and water. But I feel better. I think it was just stress." I say opening my eyes slightly.

"I'll get you some food when the others are here." Troye says rubbing my hand with his thumb.

"I'll wait for when we go and have breakfast." I say smiing at him weakly.

The three of them come in the room, Connor, Tyler and Zoe. Connor is holding a box in his hands and a glass of water. Zoe sits next to me and Connor replaces Troye.

"Noelani I know this might seem stupid... But just to be safe." Connor says handing me a tablet.

"What is it?" I ask holding it in my hand.

"It's a morning after pill." He says quietly.

"But we used protection right?" I ask worried.

"Yeah we did. But we want to be on the safe side." He says silently.

I nod my head in understanding and put the pill in my mouth. He gives me the glass of water and I gulp it down, swallowing the tablet along with it. I cringe slightly, I hate taking pills.

"How are you feeling?" Zoe asks me as she feels my head.

"Better. Just hungry. How long do we have left to get ready for our meet and greets?" I ask sitting up.

"Noelani I'm not sure you should do yours." Tyler says stepping forward.

"No I am doing it. It's going to take more then me being sick in a toilet to stop me from doing my meet and greet. I feel fine." I say looking at them all.

They all exchange looks. I can tell they are debating with each other but I am still doing it whatever they say. They can't stop me.

"Fine, but if you feel ill you have to tell someone. They will let you stop and take a break. If you don't feel up to it anymore after that then they will let you stop." Connor says.

"Okay." I say shrugging.

"Promise us you will take a break if you feel sick again." Troye says worried.

"I promise I will take a break or tell someone that I feel sick." I say as I exaggerate each word to the four of them.

They all smile at me and I climb out of bed. I wobble slightly but I soon manage to pick myself up. 

I take out a new dress. It has a peach top half with a floral bottom half. The back of the top half has a gap in the shape of a heart. The bottom half is a dark purple with light purple, orange and white flowers.

I bought it when I was exploring in town with the girls. I also chose some peach heels to go with it. I brung the locket that Tyler got me for my birthday.

I set it out and they all smile at me when I look up. I smile back.

"You're going to look so pretty Noelani." Zoe says.

"You're going to look so much nicer." I say looking down at my feet.

"You will both look amazing." Tyler says hugging us both.

I giggle slightly and Zoe and Tyler both pull away.

"Well I'll go and let you guys get ready." Zoe says walking out the bedroom.

"Thank you Zoe." I say smiling.

"No problem." She says waving.

She walks out the room closing the door behind her. Tyler and Troye walk out too, leaving me and Connor.

"Are you sure you want to do this? The fans won't be mad at you if you drop out for being ill." He says taking both my hands in his.

"Connor I feel fine, I promise. I would have begged you to let me drop out if I didn't feel up for it." I say intertwining our fingers.

"Okay. I just don't want you to make yourself ill." He says moving closer.

"I feel fine. Stop worrying about me." I kiss him gently and he kisses me back.

"You have an hour before we go done for food." He says. "So go take a nice shower, then come back and make yourself even more beautiful then you are now."

"Okay." I say giggling.



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Thank you so much!

See you in an hour! xx

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