66. I've Got To Go

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Connor's Pov

I get woken up by my phone ringing. I answer it and groan a hello into the speaker.

"Morning Connor it's mum! We have booked you plane tickets for a flight home today! You will stay with us for about two weeks. It's for Anthony and Kalel's wedding. Your plane leaves in about five hours so pack and hurry. Bye darling." My mum says and hangs up.

"For today?! Thanks for the notice... Shit!" I say annoyed.

I hang up my phone too and look at the time. It's flipping early honours of the morning! I climb out of bed in a rush but not too fast that Noelani will wake up.

I sprint into my room now knowing why, for my friends wedding day. I totally forgot and I only just processed the phone call.

I grab a suitcase and chuck in some clothes I am going to need. I run round the house picking up my cameras, laptop, chargers and leads. I chuck them in too and run to the bathroom so I can have a quick shower.

When I have finished having a shower and washing myself, I grab a towel and wrap it round my waist tight so it won't fall down. When I am sure it is secure I quickly towel dry my hair and walk into my bedroom.

I walk in to see Noelani stood by my suitcase folding my clothes. She is looking down and sniffling slightly. I gulp not knowing what to say to her.

"You could at least fold your clothes before you run away." She says with a shaky voice.

"I'm not running away." I say surprised and what she thinks is going on.

"It seems like it." She says, her voice weak.

I walk over to her and take the shirt she has neatly folded away from her.

"I'm not running away. I am going to Minnesota for my friend's wedding day. I will be back in two weeks." I say smiling slightly to hopefully reassure her.

"Two weeks?!" Noelani says slightly shocked.

"Yeah... My mum phoned me this morning telling me to get ready and leave. I guess I am having a vacation too while I'm away." I say in a rush to get the last of my stuff together.

"Oh..." Noelani says trailing off.

I can see she is worried about something. I think she thinks I'm leaving her. I pull her chin up so she is looking at me and I gently kiss her. She kisses me back lightly and pulls away.

"I'll leave you to get ready." She says walking out the room and closing the door.

I can tell she is upset about my sudden leave but I didn't get a say in it. I'll make it up to her soon. I know how. It will be worth it, at least I hope so.

I go back to my suitcase and fold the rest of my clothes neatly just like Noelani did. I get in some comfy clothes, consisting of a t-shirt and sweat pants for the flight and go back into the bathroom to style my hair into a quiff.

When I am done I walk my suitcase to the front door. I debate whether if I should go into Noelani's room. I de ode I would, she might get more upset if I just leave.

I knock on her door and slowly open it, waiting for her to say something or throw a pillow at the door like she does when she wants to be left alone. I don't get anything so I open the door wider. She is sat at her desk writing in something, it looks like a book.

I wrap my arms around her waist and she jumps slightly. I kiss her neck and then to her jaw and finally her lips. Her lips press against mine too and I hear her drop her pen. She melts against my touch and sighs gently.

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