81. Anthony And Kalel's Wedding

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Song for this chapter:

Another Love- Tom Odell

Connors Pov

I wake up the next morning to my alarm going off. The ongoing beeping fills my ears and starts to get annoying. I groan and cuss under my breath as I smack down the button on my alarm clock to make it shut up.

I stare up at the ceiling for a few seconds and decide that it is time to get out if bed. I roll out of bed, leaving the warmth behind me and walk down the stairs.

"Morning Connor." My sister Nicola says happily.

"Morning Nic." I say making myself some toast and a cup of coffee.

"Are you excited for today?" She asks twirling around the kitchen.

"I guess." I say spreading some Nutella on my cooked bread.

"What's up with you? You were really excited about it." She says sitting opposite me on.

"Just something happened last night." I say trying to keep to myself.

"What? I heard you shouting last night but I didn't want to barge in in you."

"Oh you heard that?" I ask sipping at my coffee.

"Everyone did Connor." She says laughing nervously.

"I said some shit to someone and now something has happened to them and it is all my fucking fault. I can't relax or take my mind of it."

"Is this person Noelani? Did you say something you now regret?"

"Yes. Everything I said I regret. I was pissed off and angry with myself and I also had alcohol in me and... And I broke up with her and said some really horrible shit to her. And now the boys can't find her." I say as tears fill my eyes.

"She will be okay Connor." Nicola says hugging me.

"I am so fucking stupid." I say now crying.

My sister hugs me tighter and rubs my back. That reminds me of Noelani, when comforting me she always rubbed my back and held my hand so I could squeeze it when I felt hurt. I wish she was here with me now.

I hate not knowing if she is okay, but it is my fault that I don't know. It's my fault that she might be alone and hurt. She must be freezing out there seem as it was snowing last night.

I pull away from my sister and thank her slightly. I eat my breakfast and with only an hour left I have a wash and get into my suit and tux. I would normally ask Noelani to do my tie because I can't do them properly. My mum comes in and neatens me up... Just like Noelani would.

"Mum can you do my tie?" I ask her quietly.

"Sure hun." I cringe slightly as Noelani called me that too.

My mum does my tie and makes me look smart.

"Thanks Mum." I say as tears fill my eyes because of the constant reminders of Noelani.

"Connor what's wrong?!" My mum asks panicking.

"Noelani use to do my tie... She would neaten me up after as well. I know I must look and sound pathetic mum... But I done such a bad thing and now I regret it so much and I miss Noelani a lot and I'm scared that I'll never see her again." I say in tears.

"Oh baby boy... You will see her again I promise! Noelani will forgive you. She is a forgiving person." Mum says hugging me.

"But she shouldn't have to forgive me for this... Ma I was horrible to her. I watched myself breaking her... I could see her heart being broken by what I was saying. She won't forgive me!" I say clinging onto my mum.

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