156. Waiting For Noelani

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Connor's pov

I put my box of goodies from my fans down next to Noelani's. I seen some familiar faces that I met last year or the year before. Their faces were priceless when I said that I recognised them. But I am so tired after doing my meet and greet.

All I want to do now is cuddle with Noelani but she is being such a lovely person and hanging out with ten of her fans. She seemed really excited when she left. She was vlogging away and she said that she would vlog with the people she was meeting if they wanted to.

I go on twitter and see hundreds of photo's of me and the people I met today. They all seem to have turned out really nice. I love seeing some of them with my merch. Or when they ask to take the most silliest photo's with fun poses or funny faces.

So many people told me that they have met Noelani and that I have found such a lovely girl since my ex. I have to agree with them. Noelani is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I'm glad that my fans have realised that.

Some of them told me that they didn't ship us and that is perfectly fine with me. As long as they aren't hateful towards us I have no problem about it. Secretly though, I think they may be the shippers of Toelani or Troyani. But that's a secret between the both of us so shh.

I search Noelani's tag that is currently trending. I screen shot it for her because by the time she is back it may not be trending on the worldwide trends. It's quite a good achievement if you manage to get something trending wordwide.

I look at the photo's that Noelani took with her fans and she doesn't look bad in any of them. She just looks beautiful in all of them, even the silly ones. She even took photo's with children and their parents.

The parents are the ones that have tweeted the photo's and they all say how nice she was to their child and to them. It makes me happy to see so much positivity towards her. It makes me feel proud to call her mine.

I look at the most recent ones and they are the photo's from the people she has spent time with for the past hour. She should be back soon. They all say that Noelani was so much fun to be with and that she followed them so they can keep in contact.

One boy put up a video of Noelani and it was a video telling him to be strong. I retweet it so everyone can see it. It deserves to be noticed that she is generally a kind hearted person.

Because people tend to think that us YouTubers seem all happy when we meet our fans. And then we forget about them as soon as the next person comes over. Which is totally false because I recognised so many of the people I met and I remembered their names too.

I click off of twitter and lay back on the bed. I close my eyes deciding that I will take a nap until Noelani comes back.

Troye's pov

I'm waiting for Noelani to come back so we can practise our song for our performance. I'm going to let her rest first though because she is probably worn out. I don't want to push her to her breaking point.

I cuddle Tyler as we both scroll down our hashtags so we can see the photo's that we have just took. I met so many people that have traveled all over the world, just to see me and a few other YouYubers. It's crazy.

And the letters they given me and presents are crazy. They also asked me to give some letters and present to the other three because they won't be able to meet them. I gave Tyler and Connor theirs and they seemed thankful for me taking them for them. I still need to give Noelani hers. She seems to already have a shit ton of presents and letters.

It doesn't matter too much though because we are driving back to the YouTube house. Which is about a four to five hour drive from PlayList. Louis Cole arrived at PlayList Live this morning because he just got back from one of his adventures.

I know he has driven here in his huge van. He has messaged Tyler offering to drive the four of us to the Youtube house. Louis and Noelani haven't met yet but I can tell that Noelani will be excited to hear about Louis adventures. She has always said to me how she wants to travel the world one day.

Louis' van has a huge boot so all of our fanmail will be able to fit in it. But if we get a lot more then that may be a tiny problem. A lot of mine and the boys presents are food and me and Tyler are already snacking on them and groaning at how good they taste.

But back to the main thing, me and Noelani really need to practise for our performance because we only have three days left of PlayList.

I know we will be able to practise it but it's stressful for the both of us. Especially Noelani because I know she is putting together a video for the background as we sing. I am helping her too but I know she is putting this together and the whole of the show.

I think tonight we are going to practise and me and the others are going to help her plan, so she can chill out a bit and not be so stressed out. I have written out the chords for both Noelani and me and also the lyrics last night.

I feel so excited to perform with her and to hang out with her on the stage. It's going to be a lot of fun!



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See you in an hour!

Danke xx

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