38. Seeing the Scar

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Song for this chapter:
Beautiful Scars- Steven Curtis Chapman

Noelani's POV
Connor says he'll help me change my dressing and I smile slightly.

To be honest I want help because I am scared about what I might see. I walk into my bedroom and so does Connor.

I feel nervous about taking my top off in front of him... but I guess if I want his help I will have to put that fear to the side.

Connor grabs the medical kit and sits on the bed next to me. I pull my top off and squeal slightly as I pull the skin on my stomach.

"Here let me help." Connor says.

He gently pulls it off and I feel even more embarrassed. I guess I can't even get changed anymore.

I start to undo the bandaging but Connor grabs my hand.

"Are you sure you want to see this?" He asks me with worry in his eyes.

"I have to. How bad can it be?" I ask smiling nervously.

He let's go of my hand and I finish taking off the bandaging. Now to take off the padding.

I take a deep breath and peel it off. I gasp as it tugs at my skin. I pull it off and my eyes widen and tears fill them.

"Oh my god." I say as tears fall from my eyes.

I stand up and walk in front of my mirror. I see the cuts and they form a word, I read it and it says 'SLUT'.

I see Connor standing behind me. I stare at the word that has been newly carved into my skin.

Is it true? Am I a slut? I had my first kiss for a video, I kiss Tyler's and Connor's cheeks. I am half naked in front of Connor. I always cuddle into them or am too close to them. I hold their hands or play with their fingers.
Does that make me a slut? Connor turns me around and I burst into tears.

He pulls me into his arms and he holds me tightly. I'm on my tippy toes and crying into his shoulder.

"I look horrible." I cry. "I will have that on me forever. What if the person I end up with thinks it's true? Will anyone ever love me with that word across my stomach?" I ask him in tears.

"I still think you are beautiful, you always will be." Connor says smiling.

"You're just saying that." I say crying.

"No you are still beautiful. I will always love you no matter what. I don't care about that word across your stomach because it's labelled on the wrong girl." He says looking me in the eyes.

Did he confess that he loves me? I don't know what to say. He wipes my tears away with his thumb and pulls me over to the bed, he bins the old medical supply.

Did he seriously just say he loves me no matter what? I try to hide my smile.

"This may hurt." He says quietly.

He puts the cream on my cut up stomach and I squeak in pain and grab his hand. I squeeze his hand and take deep breaths. He strokes my hand with his thumb as he covers the cuts with the cream. He finishes and I let go of his hand.

"Sorry." I apologise.

"It's okay, I don't mind too much." He says grabbing a new set of padding.

I smile slightly and so does he. He rests the pad on my stomach.

"Could you hold this for me?" He asks.

I hold the pad in place as he ravels the bandage around my stomach. He ties it up at the end.

"Wait here." He says leaving the room.
Hey guys I think this chapter is kinda cute if you take away the bad parts...

So did Connor really confess his love for Noelani or was he using it to comfort and clam her down in that moment?

Where do you think Connor went to?

I hope you liked the song that I picked for this chapter, it's kinda from Connors PoV with the song so yay!

If you enjoyed this chapter please give it a vote, I want to get 150 votes before Christmas it that is possible! It also motivates me to update for you guys quicker and more as I want to upload everyday!

Leave a comment answering those questions I asked or telling me what you think of the chapter or story overall!

Thank you so much for reading and giving me your support!

Bye! Xx

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