60. Sleep Deprived

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Songs for this chapter:

Noelani pov

I wake up cuddled into Connor an hour later and Connor is fast asleep with me in his arms. I carefully move his arms away from my body and I climb out of his bed and walk to my bed room.

I turn on the light and look round my room to make sure that I am the only one in here. When I am sure that I am I sit at my dressing table. I grab a notepad and pen. I open it up to a random page. And write and note to the boys and Jackie.

'I've gone to the cafe around the corner, can't sleep. ~N x'

I tear out the page from my notebook and walk back to Connor's room. I rest it on his pillow and I put on my shoes. I grab my phone and keys and leave the apartment to go into the very early morning air.

I walk down the road when I realise that I am still wearing my pajamas. Oh well, it's two in the morning. I turn the corner and walk into the coffee shop.

I order a small hot chocolate and sit in the corner of the cafe. The waitress comes over with my hot drink and I sip it as I stare at the wall. My eyes blur slightly because I feel tired again. I rest my head in my arms and close my eyes slowly...

I get woken up by a small shake of my shoulders. I look up feeling exhausted and I see Troye.

"I thought it was you." He says smiling slightly.

"Troye? Where am I?" I ask not being bothered to look at my surroundings.

"You're in the cafe around the corner. Come on let's take you home. The others are worried."

I gulp as I remember the last time I didn't text Tyler or Connor and how badly that situation ended. But I left them a note so they should be okay right?

I check my phone quickly and I have twelve text messages and five missed calls all from Connor and Tyler and some from Jackie.

Troye helps me up from my seat and I tiredly walk with him back to the apartment. I hold his arm and he walks me along and up the stairs.

He opens the door and I see three panicked faces. Connor's, Tyler's and Jackies. I gulp, looking down squeezing my eyes shut waiting for one of them to go crazy on me.

Connor rushes over to me and pulls me into his arms. I stumble backwards slightly as he hugs me with such a powerful force.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" He asks panicking. "Where were you?"

He checks my face to make sure I am not cut or bruised.

"Connor I'm fine. I left you a note telling you I was going to the cafe because I couldn't sleep."

"You left me a note with a heart on it." He shows me and they were just doodles.

"I swear to god they were suppose to be words." I say squinting at the piece of paper.

"Hun let's take you to your bed. You look exhausted." Jackies says lightly pulling me away from the worrying boyfriend.

I giggle at my thought and climb into my bed. As soon as my head hits the pillow and my duvet is covering me I pass out into a well needed sleep.

Connors pov

When Noelani and Troye stepped through the front door a huge wave of relief flows through my body. I run over to Noelani and pull her into my arms and I check her over, she seems okay just like she could pass out.

She left me a ripped out page of doodles but she claims that they were words, I guess she really was tired. Jackie walks her into her room and tucks her into bed.

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