12. Permanent move

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Songs for this chapter:

Welcome Home- Radical Face


Connor's pov

I turn on the music so everything is less awkward. I look at Noelani through the mirror and see that she is looking down at her bandages. "Is everything okay?" I ask her. Her head shoots up.

"Yeah I'm fine." She answers me.

"Okay." I say as I look out the window.

After a few minutes we arrive back at home. Tyler unlocks the door and let's Noelani in first. She walks into the living room and sits on the couch. I go and sit next to her. "Are you okay?" I ask her.

"Yeah. It just feels weird to come back here. And then knowing that soon I have to go at some point. This place is starting to feel like a home to me and I'm happy here. I guess I don't really want to go." She says as tears fill here eyes.

"Then stay. I have been thinking about it and it's nice having you around. I don't want you out there alone and if you're happy here I don't want to be the reason that it has been taken away from you. You can stay." Tyler says smiling at her. I look at her and her face brightens up.

"Really? You want me to stay?" She asks with a huge smile on her face.


Noelani jumps up and runs into his arms.

"Tyler thank you so much! I will pay rent! Thank you!" she squeals.

"No don't worry about rent. We all pay together agreed?" He asks.

"Agreed." Me and Noelani say in unison. She comes over and hugs me too.

"Thank you." She whispers.

"I'm glad you're staying! This is gunna be so much fun!" I say excitedly.

Noelani's pov

I couldn't believe that Tyler had just asked me to stay with them permanently! I finally have a home and what feels like a family. I guess good things can still happen. And I guess that I get to keep this happiness for a long time.

I sit on the couch next to Connor after I thanked them both and Tyler came and sat next to me. "I love you guys." I say out of nowhere.

"We love you too." Connor says smiling. I giggle slightly and push Connors leg playfully. "You want to do this? Really Noelani? Well okay then." His hands reach out and start to tickle my sides and I start to scream and laugh. I start to lean against Tyler only for him to start tickling me as well. My laugh echoes through the whole house and I wriggle out their grasp and I jump off the couch.

They chase after me as I run to my room. I nearly reach it but I feel someone's arms wrap lightly around my waist and then lift me up. They start to walk back to the living room where I can see a smirking Connor. "Tyler put me down." I giggle. He puts me down and Connor pounces on me and lightly pushes me down. He tickles my sides again and moves onto my stomach.

My laughter grows as tyler joins in. "Stop... I... Can't... Breath!" I squeal. They both fall next to me and I couldn't help but giggle. "That was fun, but painful." I say trying to catch my breath. I hear them both sigh. "I think I'm gunna go to bed now. It's been a long day." I announce as I start to stand up.

"Okay, goodnight." The boys both say. I smile back at them and walk into my room. I flop onto my bed and giggle to myself.

Tyler's pov

Those last few minutes were really fun. Hearing Noelani's laughter fill the whole house. I guess we all now know that she is very ticklish. "That was fun." Connor says quietly.

"Yeah it was. I'm happy she is staying here now too. It's gunna be fun." I say smiling slightly.

"Yeah it will be."

"I think I'm gunna go to sleep as well now. See you tomorrow." I say as I walk into my room. I take my clothes off and remain with my boxers on. I pull back the duvet covers and lay underneath them. I'm really glad she is happy here. I think to myself. I close my eyes and fall to sleep.



I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! See I told you things will get happier! I kept my promise!

Sorry I haven't uploaded in the past few days. I took a little break from uploading so I hope you didn't mind.

I hope you guys like the song I chose to go with it. It took me ages to find a song for this chapter haha!

If you enjoyed please please please give this a vote and a comment it makes me really happy and it makes me want to upload another chapter for you guys! And also leave a comment telling me what you think so far!

Thank you so much for reading this story/ fanfiction so far!

Bye! x

You Changed My Lifeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें