85. She Will Wake Up

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Song for this chapter:

I Know- Tom Odell

Tyler's pov

I wake up and get changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a warm jumper. I style my hair and text Ricky telling him I am going to the hospital to see if Noelani has made any progress. Just in case if he comes round to check he wouldn't of wasted a trip.

I get in my car and drive down to the hospital. I turn the radio on and I imagine Noelani sat next to me singing along. She would be looking out the car window singing unless if I was singing with her then she would pretend that the at was her stage and I was her duet.

I feel scared to be on my own with her and the condition she is in. I'm scared that I will hold her hand to tight or something bad will happen and I get pulled out as they try to save her life.

I park in the hospitals car park and go inside. I say my name and ask to go and see Noelani and they give me permission as soon as I say her name. I walk over to her room and wait a few seconds before I go in.

I walk in and stop when I notice Troye sitting by her bedside. He is singing quietly and holding her hand. Tracing patterns into her palm and tucking her hair behind her ear. When he finishes whatever he is singing he sniffles slightly.

"Troye." I say quietly.

He jumps up and relaxes when he see's that it is me.

"How long were you there for?" He asks as he quickly wipes away his tears.

"Only a few seconds." I say walking in properly.

"Okay." He says sitting back down and taking her hand again.

"How is she?" I ask sitting on the other side of the bed and holding her hand.

"She is warm. Her skin is slowly going back to her normal colour. Her skin is soft again, she's a little less breakable. But her bruising has gotten worse over night and apparently she was screaming but wasn't really awake.

"She was asking for me, you and Connor in the night whilst she was screaming. She was asking for me to sing to her, you to make her laugh and for Connor to cuddle with her.

"Apparently she was struggling as well and was screaming louder when they held her down but she was still in her sleep. She was crying too, they could hear her crying and a few years would dribble down the sides of her face.

"But her side is going to take a while to heal. They changed it this morning and the swelling has gotten worse and the bruising has spread more. It's going to leave a bad scar when it is all healed up." He says looking at her the whole time.

"She looks better. Well, more healthy than yesterday." I say smiling slightly.

"Yeah she does. I guess we just need her to wake up." Troye says as another tear rolls down his cheek.

"Troye she will wake up. Her heart beat is telling us that. And so is her body. She's coming back to us Troye." I say holding his hand.

"Yeah but what if she goes downhill? These things happen Ty, I know she is looking better but what if it isn't going as well as we think? She might not even want us anymore. She ran away with the intention of not being found by one of us, what if when she wakes up she still wants that?" He says crying.

"The only thing we can do is wait and stay positive. We just need her to wake up and to tell the doctors if she is in any more pain that we know about." I say squeezing his hand.

He pulls his hand away and wipes away the tears. He nods a little and rests the hand I held on top of his own.

I watch her face and her lips are slightly swollen but still a brilliant bright shade of red. Her cheeks have a pink tinge to them, she's probably blushing as she has two of her favourite boys holding her hands. I smile a little at my thought and her skin is slightly tanned.

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