23. Argument.

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Songs for this chapter:

Jar of Heart- Christina Perri


Noelani's pov

I lock my phone and finish my coffee. I walk home and when I reach the apartment I open the door and see Connor pacing around.

"Where the fuck were you?!" He asks nearly shouting at me.

"I was out." I say quietly and with a slight quiver in my voice.

"You were out for over four hours!" He says a little louder.

"I am home now. I'm safe, I am okay." I say nervously. Why is he so mad?

"You could of gotten hurt! It is dark outside! You should of texted one of us!" He says even louder.

"Connor what is wrong? I am here! I am okay I promise! Why are you being like this?" I ask him worried.

"You had me panicking like hell! I thought you were hurt! You are so stupid for not texting me or Tyler!" He shouts.

"I didn't mean to. I wanted to be alone for a while." I say quietly.

"Speak up! I am not fucking deaf!"

"I wanted to be alone." I say a little louder.

"You could of told us that!"

"Tyler saw me when I was at the park! I told him I wanted to be alone!" I say louder then I normally do.

"Really?! Because he told me you just walked away!"

"I wanted to be alone for a while! But I'm back now! Why are you getting so defensive?!" I ask him frightened as his face turns redder with anger

"Because knowing you, you would of done something stupid! Me or Tyler could of walked down the road and come across your dead body because you done something idiotic! That is how you think! Something happens so you hurt yourself or become suicidal!" He shouts moving towards me slightly. I back away and I see Tyler behind him.

"Do you think I would do something stupid? Do you think I would kill myself?" I ask him as tears fill my eyes.

"I don't kn..."

"You do don't you! I can see you both don't trust me anymore! I thought I could trust the both of you! And you ask me why I find it hard to trust others! Because they always do shit like this to me! I have had enough." I shout at them. Tears leave my eyes. I turn to walk out the house but Connor grabs me.

"You're not going anywhere!" He shouts as his grip tightens around me.

"Well I don't want to stay somewhere where I can't be trusted! I'm better off being alone! So something can fucking hurt me!" I shove Connor off me and storm out the house.

I hear the door open behind me.

"Good! And don't you dare come back and want me to open my arms out to you! I hate you and you're a piece of trash that we found on the streets! Fuck of Noelani and never come back!" I hear the door slam shut and I run down the stairs in tears.

Those words hurt me more than he knows. I only wanted some alone time. Did he really mean what he said? It felt real and that breaks me apart even more.

Tyler's pov

Connor comes back in fuming. "That was so unfair Connor." I say as tears slightly sting my eyes.

"Yeah? Well she fucking deserve it!" He shouts at me.

I walk into my room as tears trickle down my cheeks. I sit on the edge of my bed and think about what just happened.

The way Noelani looked at me when asking if I thought the same as Connor. Yes I thought she would of maybe but I only thought that as little as possible. I think she is better then any razor blade or sharp object.

She has become stronger and I'm scared that what Connor's said has broken her to the point she will become weak again.

I fall backwards on my bed and tug at my hair. I should of chased after her!



Please don't be mad! I love you guys! I started crying writing this cuz it felt kinda real... I hope in some way you enjoyed it?

I hope you like the song, sorry I have been shit with finding music!

I know this chapter is late and I felt incredibly bad so I made this chapter longer by addis Tyler's pov! Is that enough for you to forgive me?

Thank you so much for reading though! This story is growing insanely fast! Nearly every week I get more then 100 reads and it excites/ scares me! But it means a lot and thank you so much!

Make sure you vote or leave a comment! It gives me the motivation to write you guys longer chapters and make then better!

Thank you again!

Bye! Xx

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