103. Late Night Thoughts

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Connor's pov

I must admit me and the other two got Noelani really good with that spider prank. Seeing her face with confusion, she totally believed that the remote control spider was real. She is quite easy to trick as well.

Even though I was thoroughly enjoying the head massage and the tummy tickles. I was quite excited for this prank to take place. We had planned it for a few days I think.

I decide to sleep in my own bed, alone. Well to be honest I don't want to, I'd rather sleep with my cuddle buddy. I would rather watch her rest and knowing that she is okay.

But I figured Noelani got a little bit upset and pissed off with the prank. Especially as me and Tyler used our biggest fear against hers. She really did look upset by it.

I could see she was actually mad at us and the way she shoved us out the room, I could feel her anger. I also noticed that she was holding back tears. I thought she was going to smack us because we found it so funny.

I didn't like the thought of it before hand. I didn't like the idea of using my own fear to scare the shit out of someone with the same fear and is even more scared of it. But let's just say that Sawyer and Tyler have their ways... Maybe using alcohol as a temptation and a drug...

I lay in bed alone and think about all of the events that took place today. I must admit going out into town with Tyler was really funny. Noelani would of been in hysterics if she was with us. Troye would of too, it was quite the moment.

In the supermarket a guy was hitting on Tyler and Tyler being himself, flirted back. But it was like average flirting it was like full on... Like touching each other and raising eyebrows, cheeky winking and a lot of flirtatious language.

I had to walk away because it was that funny. I carried on with the shopping that we were meant to be doing to help Noelani. After paying I got a shout out on the speakers... I had a shout out to come and pick up Tyler from the front doors.

After that we both got our hair cut, not dramatically, just trimmed and easier to handle. Tyler got his died though. Into a minty green. It looks good on him, he can pull off any colour I swear to god!

We walked around for a little while and Tyler said he was meeting Korey. He planned to anyway so I didn't care that much. I went home to my girlfriend. That seemed like the perfect idea to me.

Let's just say things got quite heated up quite quickly. They got heated up in two ways...

I was quite worried about doing it with Noelani because of her accident months ago. I know it still scares her and she hates going out alone now she has had a few encounters with The Waiter.

I think the one that scared her the most was when she was shopping and he started talking to her. She thought it was just a guy and she was staying good to me... And then he ducking attacked her. I wasn't there to save her, I was in Minnesota panicking.

The Waiter has been locked up in a prison miles away from here for a few weeks. He is in a different state in fact. But it is hard to convince a girl that it is safe to go out alone after being terrified for months. Especially if she was doing something so innocent and then getting fucking jumped on.

She thinks everyone will try and hurt her and sometimes she doesn't even like holding a knife. She will ask us to cut her food or to cut her something she is preparing. She literally shakes so much when holding one that I have to hold her hand. She doesn't even like scraping butter across her toast in the morning.

It's horrible, I feel so bad for her at times because she will panic and have attacks at random moments. Even going down the road she will cling onto your arm and you can feel her grip tightening as you walk past people she doesn't know.

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