91. Getting An Earlier Flight

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Connor's pov

It's three days until I get to go back home to Noelani and Tyler. I am extremely excited to get to be with them after three long, dragging, painful weeks. But my time has come to be able to go home soon, I just need to get through these next two to three days.

I have started to pack my bags slightly, I have been sticking clothes in as I go along and I have made space for the two presents.

I run round my room picking up any stray items of clothing and I shove them into my suitcase. I can imagine Noelani going mad because they are not folded and neatly placed.

But as soon as it is my flight I will say good bye to my friends and family and be off back to where I belong. I belong here in Minnesota because it's my home town but my house and new family are back in California.

Someone knocks on my door and my mums head peeps in. I smile at her as I finish of today's packing. Packing takes a lot of effort and skill.

"Connor I have some very exciting news. We got an email from the airport and they said that they have booked you an earlier flight! It is in two hours but it is closer like you wanted" My mum squeals.

"Oh my God! Really?! I can see Noelani closer?!" I ask excited.

"Yes! I'll help you pack and then I'll drive you to the airport!" She says clapping her hand excitedly.

"Thank you so much mum!" I scream as I grab some clothes and run to the bathroom to get ready.

I get changed quickly, but into some lazy clothes as I will be spending a few hours trapped on a plane. My lazy clothes consists of a sweater that Noelani likes to wear but I stolen it from her. And also some sweatpants.

I decide not to text Tyler that I will be back at home later on tonight, I will surprise him with my arrival but most importantly, I will surprise Noelani even more.

Tyler told her that it will be five days until I come home so she has gotten quite excited... She only knows because she gotten it out of him by tickling him and bribing him.

She tried to get it out of Troye by doing the same but he always ended up silencing et by hugging her until she would shut up or start playing his guitar and she would sing along because it was a distraction.

I can't wait to see her face again. I don't care if it has a few cuts of her cheek or forehead, she still looks beautiful on camera so she will be even more gorgeous in real life. I can wait for her reaction when she see's me in a few hours.

I brush my teeth quickly and wash my face so I can feel fresh before I go on the plane. I style my hair into it's usual quiff and smile at myself through the mirror.

I go back into my room and see that my mum has packed nearly all my stuff. She has also folded it so I think both Noelani and mum will get along very well.

I put my electronics in my carry on bag. I put my laptop in too so I can edit some videos from the sky. Me and mum carry it all down stairs with only an hour and a half left.

It will take half an hour to drive to the airport and then I will have to sort out everything which should lead me straight up to boarding my flight. Let's just hope there is no traffic or any delays with my flight!

I say goodbye to my two brother and sister and I hug my dad tightly. I have no idea when I'll see them again but hopefully it will be soon and I'll have someone they can meet, with me.

Mum walks me to the car and we both put my stuff in the back seats. It's more of a shoving round and getting frustrated that some of it isn't fitting through the car door. We finally get everything in and we jump into the front seats.

Mum starts to drive me to the airport and I turn on the radio for s bit of car company. Boring, old songs that are on repeat nearly everyday come on so I turn the radio off completely. We can drive in silence. I would prefer it that way anyway.

As we drive I take in the beauty of my hometown. I want to take Noelani here one day. In fact, I will take her here. We pass my old school and my middle finger automatically pops up as we drive by. My mum laughs and flaps my leg gently.

Before I know it we are at the airport. We both get out of the car and I grab all my stuff and pull it inside the airport. My mum follows me inside and I turn round to face her.

"Look after yourself okay? Go and get that girl back. I love you Connor." My mum says crying a little bit.

"I will. I love you too mum. I'll visit again soon, maybe with Noelani if I manage to get her back somehow." I say hugging her.

"Okay. I'll look forward to it. Now go before you miss your flight." She says shooing me away.

I wave and walk up to the ticket people. I show my passport and she search my name for my ticket as I don't have the new one. She finds it, prints it out and give it too me and they take away my suitcase.

I walk to the security and do all that jazz. When they are happy that I'm not hiding drugs or weapons they let me past. With only five minutes until my gate is open, I wait around. I look at my phone and scroll through my tumblr.

"Departure for California. Gate 5 is now open." That's me!

I jump up and run to my gate with my bag and show them my passport and plane ticket. They say I can board the plane and I hurry to the plane and find my seat. Lucky for me I have no one sat next to me.

Let my plane journey home begin!



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See you soon! Xx

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