19. Sunburn

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Connor's pov

I wake up from being asleep and look around. I see Noelani and Tyler asleep on their sunbeds and they both look slightly red. I look at myself and I do to. "Guys wake up!" I say shaking them both slightly. They both groan and open their eyes.

"Ow!" Noelani squeals. She looks at her stomach and it is bright red. "Fuck a duck!" She says as she carefully puts her t- shirt back on and her shorts. Me and Tyler laugh slightly.

Tyler puts on his t shirt and so do I. Me and Ty aren't as badly burnt as Noelani but we are still both a little bit red.

I grab our bag with suncream and the towels we packed and we all walk to the car. I get in the passenger seat and Tyler gets in the drivers. Noelani sits in the back and I can tell she is tired.

Noelani's pov

As Tyler starts to drive us home I feel really tired. I know I have been asleep for a couple of hours but the heat has drained me from energy.

I look out the window and the quick movement makes my vision go blurred. I let my eyes close and I fall asleep listening to Tyler and Connor talking.

I feel arms carefully wrap around my sleeping body and then being picked up. I open my eyes slightly and see Tyler's face and darkness. I close my eyes again and I feel myself being laid down on a bed.

I can sense movement in the room and then a warm blanket covering me. I cuddle into the duvet and I hear Tyler's voice. "Night night." I hear him whisper and then the closing of my door.

I turn over on my stomach... What a huge mistake. I scream into my pillow and sit up. I run to the bathroom and look through the cupboards for cream. I find it and put it on. I squeal slightly but close my eyes as the cream numbs the pain. I wash my hands under the warm tap.

"Noelani are you okay?" I hear Connor ask.

"Yeah. I just made the mistake of laying on my stomach." I say smiling slightly.

"Can I see your burn?" He asks.

"Um... O- okay." I say nervously. I lift up my top slightly so he could see.

"Oh ouch!" He says looking at it. I nod my head and pull my top back down.

"I'm going to bed now." I say as I walk past.

"Hug first!" He says in a cute voice. I hug him lightly and he hugs me back.

"And me!" I hear Tyler squeal. I pull away from Connor and hug Tyler. He rocks us sideways and I giggle as I pull away.

"Night" I say as I close my door.

"Night!" They both call.

I get in my pjs and then lay down under the covers. I look up at the ceiling and remember today's events. I smile at the new memory and close my eyes.

I can hear the boys whispers and then the closing of doors. I can hear Connor's music through my walls. I bang on the wall and I hear him bang his back. I knock on my wall and he knocks the beat of his music. I start laughing as I hear him singing. "Connor shut the hell up!" I hear Tyler shout.

"Silence peasant!" I hear Connor laugh. I start laughing at the both of them. "Silence Noelani!" I hear Connor laugh." I get out of bed and sneak into Connors room. I jump on his bed laughing and he screams slightly.

"I scared you!" I say laughing.

"No you didn't!" He says with an angry face.

"What are you doing? I could hear your music." I ask him looking at his laptop.

"Ah! I know you like O2L! It's my video for Monday. I'm finding music." He says hiding the screen.

"Please can I have a sneak peak?! Please!" I say with puppy eyes.

"You make me feel bad when you do that face." He says. "Fine. But only a little bit." He clicks play and the video starts. I stare at the screen and giggle at Connors little effects he does.

"Thank you!" I say as I hug his side. "It looks great!"

"Thanks. Has that for filled your fangirl dreams?" He asks laughing.

"They were made at the airport." I say laughing nervously.

"I think that was the weirdest way I've ever met a fa... Friend. Lifting off a suitcase!" He says laughing.

"Hey! You making fun of me?" I ask him with a angry face but failing because he called a friend not a fan.

"Noo..." He says hiding a laugh.

"You bitch!" I say. I start tickling him and he screams. He starts tickling me and I fall off the bed trying to escape him. "Bitch!" I say laughing still.

Tyler walks into the room and sees me laughing on the floor and Connor laughing on his bed. "What the hell have I missed?" He asks confused.

"A tickle war." I say laughing.

"God damn it! Any way it is bedtime!" He says looking at me. I get off the floor, still laughing.

"Sorry Mr Oakley." I say giggling. Connor starts laughing harder and Tyler bursts.

"It's bedtime mister!" I say looking at Tyler.

"Okay Ms Bungay." I give him a serious face and he hugs me. "You love me really." He says giggling.

"Yeah... Sadly." I run to my room laughing.

"That is so rude!" He says running after me. I grab my pillow for defence and he leaps onto my bed and grabs a pillows and start whacking me with it.

I squeal and I manage to push Tyler over so he is laying down. I sit on his stomach and he wriggles around trying to free himself. Connor walks up behind me and tickles my side and I jump of Ty and they both jump into me tickling me.

I kick my legs and scream with laughter and I reach up and tickle Connor. He jumps off the bed and I tickle Tyler and he does the same. I look at them both holding in laughter and I smile slightly. They both smile back.

"It's bed time now. I mean it." Tyler says with a serious voice.

"Yes sir." Me and Connor say in unison. Tyler marches out my room and Connor stands there awkwardly.

"See you in the morning." He says walking away. "Thanks for a fun day." He says looking back at me.

"It's okay. Thanks for taking me to the beach. Night Connor."

"Just a second." He says walking back in. My heart starts beating faster. "You have hair covering your eyes." He says gently tucking it behind my ear. I smile nervously and he smiles back scanning my face. "Night." He says rushing out of my room.

"Night Connor." I say quietly. I look at my door and I feel my cheeks and they are burning hot.



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Bye! xx

You Changed My LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora