17. First Hangover

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Songs for this chapter:

Noelani's pov

I wake up confused for what happened last night. I sit up and soon regret it as it feels like a thousand bombs just went off in my head. I lay back down and see Tyler sprawled out across the floor. I then notice all of the empty liquor bottles across the room.

Am I hungover? Well this is a first. I take the risk of standing up and going to the kitchen. I start to feel dizzy as I reach the doorway so I use the kitchen sides as support.

I go open the cabinets in the search of finding a cup. When I finally find one I go over to the tap and run some cold water into it. After finally finding the right tap seem as there looked like there was four of them because of my dizziness, I drink the cold water. I stand there for a few seconds staring at the wall.

I regret drinking water or moving. I run out of the kitchen trying not to trip and fall, and I run to the bathroom. I push the door slightly and fall in front of the toilet.

I started to throw up in the toilet and my headache started to get worse. Well I now know what it's like to have a hangover for sure!

Tyler's pov

I slowly start to open my eyes and let the light fill up my sight. I start to gradually stand up with a headache and dizziness. I stumble to the kitchen and grab headache tablets and a glass of water. I put the pill in my mouth and take a gulp of water. I lean against the kitchen side and let the tablet go down. Where is Noelani?

I make my way out the kitchen and to Noelani's room. She isn't in there but I hear noises coming from the bathroom. I notice the door is slightly open so I open it more and see a crouched Noelani over the toilet.

I walk to her side and start to slowly rub her back as she throws up in the toilet. "I'm sorry." She apologises. Tears running down her cheeks.

"It's okay, don't be silly. I guess this is your first hangover." I say trying to calm her down. I see her nod her head slightly and then she is sick again. I leave her and get a bucket for her. "Are you okay now?"

"I think so. I just feel like shit and ill." She says pulling away from the toilet. I flush it for her and giver her the bucket. I help her stand up and I slowly walk her back into her room. I pull back her duvet covers and she slides in. I cover her back up and tuck her in.

"I'll get you some medicine for your hangover okay?" I say as I leave her room. As I step out her room Connor walks into the apartment.

"Oh hey Connor." I say slightly startled at his arrival.

"Hi?" Connor says unsure.

"It's not what it looks like, we got drunk and it's Noelani's first hangover. I'm hungover myself but I can kinda control my stomach." I giggle.

"Okay. You go to bed I'll get her some medicine."

"Thanks Connor." I say as I walk to my room.

Connors pov

I get some tablets and water and I go in Noelani's room. She is in tears when she see's me. "Hi Connor." She says wiping her eyes. I rush over next to her and put the tablets and water on her beside table. I get under her duvet and pull her into my arms.

"Are you okay Hun?" I ask rubbing her arm softly.

"I feel like shit. I'm sorry." She says crying.

"Don't be. I hear you and Ty had a party last night." I say giggling slightly. She nods her head. I pass her the tablets and the water and she takes them.

She gets up and runs to the bathroom. I hear her being sick so I go in and rub her back and hold her hair. She starts apologising to me and I tell her not to worry.

She is shaking when I support her back to her room. She gets in her bed and I lay next to her. She cuddles into me and I lightly tickle her side.

"Being hungover is shit. Why can't it make you happier and better instead from moodier and sicker?" She asks me.

"Because that's what it does when you are drinking it Hun." I say quietly.

"Alcohol is shit." She says quietly.

"You bet it is." I say tickling her side still.

"You should have been here. It would of been fun if you was. I missed you last night. It was too quiet." She says.

"I missed you guys too. But it was nice to see the boys after a while and get away from Tyler's giggling." I say laughing.

"I think I will need a break from his giggling too." She giggles.

"Everyone does."

"We have to be careful we don't catch it from him. It may be contagious. That motherfucker has already made me ill I don't want to have contagious giggling as well." She says moving slightly.

"At least with your giggling it's cute. Tyler's sound like a witch." I say laughing.

"That's why I feel in love with his youtube channel."

"Why do you like my channel?" I ask her with interest.

"You have a spark in you that brightens up my day. I just like the things you do and how much fun you can bring in five minutes. I use to have a crush on you when I first watched your videos." She confesses.

"And now?" I ask sneakily.

"That's for me to know and you to question." She says quietly.

Her arm rests on my chest lightly and I hear her breathing slow down and then her grip on me loosens slightly. I look at her and see her eyes closed, she has fallen asleep.

I lay next to her for a few more minutes until I replace my body with a pillow. I pull her duvet up and over her more and she cuddles into the pillow.

I kiss her head and I walk out her room and go in the living room to start some editing.



I'm so sorry I haven't updated this week! I have been back at school so I wanted to concentrate! But I have an idea for when I should update! I will be updating on Tuesday/ Wednesday and maybe Friday/ Saturday!

I hope this chapter makes up for not updating recently. I'm truly sorry about that!

But isn't this chapter just cute though? I mean it's yucky at first but near the end it's cute :3 you're welcome!

I'm sorry I couldn't find a song! I tried hunting for one but I couldn't find the right song to match it because I am fussy about that kind of stuff! But if you know a song that would go well with this chapter please leave the title and artist in the comments!

Thank you so much for reading this (late) chapter! Please give it a vote so I will update it quicker! And leave a comment telling me what you think! It gives me the motivation to update more and better chapters for you


Thank you!

Bye! x

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