135. Getting Ready For Mainstage

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Connor's pov

Noelani left the room last night and Troye ran after her. I think she would want Troye to help her anyway. I was going to follow but I thought she looked ill so I left her to be on her own.

Me and the others were just talking and it was boring not having Noelani's input. Even if it was just a giggle or a simple nod of her head, I still missed it. She always leaves a funny comment or she might be serious with her reply.

Me and Tyler went back to our room after a few hours and we both had some more to drink in Marcus' room. I had to take Tyler's shirt off for him, even if that means avoiding his hands from unbuttoning mine.

I pushed him to his bed and covered him up like a child. He was giggling away and telling me he loves me and he loves Noelani and Troye. Also that he wanted me to cuddle with him. I sat with him until he eventually passed out.

I layed in bed waiting for Noelani to come back with Troye. It felt like forever waiting for her to be next to me until I heard the door click open and footsteps.

I heard them saying goodnight to each other and then she laid next to me. I pretended to be asleep as she laid still with her arm pressed against mine. I really want a cuddle. Seem as on the flight we were teasing each other and then after the party we were on the verge of doing something.

She moves and I feel her arm round my waist and I could feel her eyes scanning my face. I could feel her smile and then her soft lips press against my jaw. Her head resting against chest as she cuddles into me more.

Her breathing starts to even out to a calm pace and her grip on me loosens. I open my eyes and look at her. She has a small smile on her face and I smile. If only she knew how much I truly love her.

I wake up the next morning to the annoying sound of an alarm. I turn it off and look to my side to see the back of Noelani's head. I pull her against my chest and she mumbles in her sleep.

"Connie I'm sleeping." She says loud enough for me to hear.

"Hun you have to wake up. It's the first day of PlayList and we have two hours to get ready." I say quietly.

"But I want to stay and cuddle for a little longer." She says pulling my arms around her stomach.

"We can't. We need to get in our outfits and make ourselves look pretty." I say smiling slightly.

"Can we have half an hour more?" She asks tiredly.

I mean, it is only thirty minutes. And if Noelani wants cuddles and I do too then why the fuck not? Plus she might need a cuddle as she looked a little down in the others room.

"Fine." I say pulling her closer.

I hear her giggle as she won the small battle. I kiss her shoulder and she shivers slightly. I realise that she doesn't have my sweater on anymore. Also that she is covered in goosebumps. She must be freezing cold.

I grab my jumper and gently pull her arms through it and then over her head, tugging is over her bare skin. She snuggles into it and turns so she is facing me.

I haven't seen her eyes yet and I really want to. I kiss her nose and I notice her trying to keep back a smile. I kiss her nose again and she giggles slightly.

"Connie we are sleeping remember?" She asks cutely.

"No we are not." I say pressing my lips against hers.

After a few seconds she tiredly responds, kissing me back lazily. She pulls away after a few seconds and hides her face in my chest. I feel her breathing against my skin and her hands resting lazily around my waist.

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