39. Bedtime Movies

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Songs for this chapter:

Loves An Open Door- Frozen

Dead Birds- The Conjuring

When She Loved Me- Toy Story

(Play when told please!)

Noelani's POV
I sit up near my pillows trying not to move too much. Connor soon returns with Tyler behind him. Connor is holding a sweater and films and Tyler is holding food.

I smile slightly as they set everything down on my floor. Tyler picks me up carefully and sits me under the duvet. Connor puts on a film and they both climb in my bed next to me.

(Play Loves An Open Door!)

Tyler leans over and grabs the food. He sets it next to me, himself and Connor.

The first song of Frozen comes on and I giggle and clap my hands excitedly causing both of the boys to laugh.

"I love this film!" I squeal.

"I know, that's why I picked it." Connor says very quietly.

I cuddle into his side and he seems surprised. I smile as he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him. I cringe slightly when it pulls the skin of my stomach.

Tyler holds my hand, tracing small patterns in my palm and squeezing it gently. I look over at him and smile.

"I'm glad you're back Noelani." He says looking at me.

"I missed you two. Seriously, not seeing your faces for twenty days was hard. But then I guess it was my break from your giggling." I say laughing as I poke Tyler's cheek.

"You are still rude to me... Hun you should watch out because you may get kicked out if you carry on being rude to your queen." He says fighting against laughter.

"That's alright, she can stay in my room with me. We can build forts and watch movies all night." Connor says.

"Oh I like that idea!" I say looking at him.

He kisses my head and I giggle nervously.

"Now... Shh because we are missing the film!" I say watching the screen.

(Play Dead Birds!)

After Frozen we watch The Conjuring. I squeal into a pillow and Connor and Tyler are sat there laughing at the film.
I peep out of my pillow and see a scary face. I hide in Connor's side and groan slightly.

"You're missing the whole film!" Tyler says laughing.

"Good!" I say against Connor's side.
"Just watch it, you might like it." Connor says.

I look at the screen and try to not hide for the rest of the film. I was shaking because it was replaying in my head.

Tyler should know the most out of the both of them that I hate horror films.
When we both watched insidious together I was basically hiding in him for about one and a half hours. I can't do horror films, they are a huge no no.

(Play When She Loved Me!)

After The Conjuring we watch Toy Story. I start to feel tired and a bit sick because of my stomach pains and also I have eaten a lot of food and drank a lot of fizzy drink.

I'm curl up into Tyler instead from Connor and Tyler is lightly tickling my arm. I try to fight against my tiredness but Tyler tickling me isn't really helping. I pull away and gaze at the screen.

The boys move slightly. Connor lays on his side facing me and Tyler moves his arm. I blink back my tiredness but start failing miserably. I lay under the covers a little more and my eyes start to close.

I don't bother fighting against it
anymore because it's a losing battle. They gradually close and my breathing slowly starts to go in a slow and steady rhythm.

Connor's POV
I look at Noelani and see that she is fighting to stay awake. Her hand is resting on her stomach and I watch her chest slowly rise and drop.

Her body relaxes and I can tell she is fully asleep. She looks so sweet and young as she sleeps. I tuck a loose strand of her hair behind her ear and Tyler look over at her and smiles.

"Should we turn the film off and leave her to sleep?" Tyler asks me.

"Yeah I think so. I might stay with her in case if she wakes up slightly shaken up or something."

I try to hide the fact that I just want to hold her as she sleeps and I notice Tyler smirking.

"Mkay..." He rolls his eyes and I help him pack the stuff away.

I go back into my bedroom and take off my shirt and skinny jeans. I change into my PJ bottoms and I see Tyler in his.

"Night Ty." I say as he walks into his room.

"Night Connor." He says closing his door.

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Bye! Xx

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