140. Ending The First Show

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Noelani's pov

"Well you guys we only have ten minutes left... This has gone so fast!" Tyler says.

"I think this has been really fun... I don't want it to end." I say pulling a sad face.

"Neither. But we will be on stage again soon! And I hope to see as many of you guys there as possible!" Connor says standing up.

"You guys are incredible... I think we should all thank everyone in here for making this event possible. And to thank John and Hank for giving us this amazing opportunity." Troye says.

We all start clapping and the crowd cheers for us. The four of us hold hands as they applaud.

"Thank you!" Some of them scream.

"I just wanted to thank you guys for making me feel comfortable in here. I was so scared but you guys supported me so well and I am so grateful, it means a lot to me. I feel really confident and I am excited for the next time I am on here and in front of you guys. Thank you." I say looking around.

Some people start waving at us and I wave back. The ten minutes is up and we have to leave.

"Well everyone, thank you for being here and watching if you were at home, on the live stream. I hope to see some of your beautiful faces at my meet and greet. Good bye!" Troye says waving and walking to the exit.

Everybody cheers and says 'We love you Troye.'

"I guess it's time for me to go as well. Well thank you for having me, it was fun... I hope y'all have a fabulous life. Dubai!" Tyler says doing the peace sign.

"Now I should be going and getting ready for the next four days... I hope you guys enjoyed this little show. Bye!" Connor says.

I watch him walk away but he runs back. I look at him confused as to why he has returned on the stage.

"I forgotten something." He says staring at me.

I am still confused until he leans down and presses his lips to mine. Everybody starts squealing and some even start to cry. I don't understand why they are crying about a kiss.

I feel my cheeks grow red as he holds my waist. He pulls away slightly and looks in my eyes. He kisses me again quickly and runs off stage giggling and doing little cartoon noises.

Everybody is still screaming and clapping their hands with excitement. Well I have to talk now but all I want is Connor here next to me.

"Well guys, I guess this has been the opening show for PlayList Live... I hope you all enjoyed it and had fun because I know that us four did. Tweet to us your pictures and your thoughts so then tonight I can stalk some of you. Use the #PlayListLiveStartingShow so I can find them and tag us in it.

"Thank you again for making this so incredible... I'll see some of you guys at the meet and greets, the other shows I am part of and the panel. And if you are lucky you can meet me properly.

"I will tweet out to you guys what you can do to meet me. I'll also out something up on Tumblr if you stalk me on there as well. Thank you all so much, I hope you have an amazing time here, Bye!"

I form a heart with my hands and they all do the same, mimicking my actions. I take my phone out and take a picture of it. I walk off the stage and I turn round before I go through the door.

I wave one last time and take it all in before I walk off. They all cheer and clap. I walk through the door and I am bombarded with hugs and kisses on the cheeks.

"Noelani you done so well! Thank you so much for doing this for us! Everybody loved it! You should read their tweets to you, they are so kind." John says.

"It's okay. Thank you for letting me take part of starting it all of. It was so much fun and I am excited to go back on stage soon. Thanks you two." I say hugging John and Hank.

Troye hugs me tight and I hug him back. I can't help but giggle as I am still really excited.

"You were amazing out there. I can't wait for our performance for the last show." He whispers.

"Thanks Troye, you were amazing too. I just want to go back out there." I say on my tip toes so I can hug him properly.

I kiss his cheek and Tyler pulls me into an extremely tight hug. I sigh as it's nice to have a tight hug from him.

"I am so proud of you. You killed the show. I think you may have been better than Gaga. I told you you would be fine." He says smirking.

"Wow... I guess I did do well to be better than Gaga." I say giggling.

"I can't wait to watch you on your other mainstage events." He says letting go.

I smile at him and Connor lifts me up. I squeal slightly and wrap my arms around his shoulders looking into his eyes.

"I don't even know how to tell you, but I am so proud of you. But I can show you. Dinner? Five pm, look just as gorgeous as you do now." He says smiling greatly.

"Mmm okay." I say grinning.

He kisses me gently and quickly but it didn't compare to the kiss on the stage. It still felt special though and I could feel his excitement for tonight.

"I have to go and find Scott and Mitch because we are filming. I'll see you soon." I say looking up at him and fiddling with the collar of his shirt.

"Okay. Have fun." He says kissing my head.

"I will. I hope you miss me." I say winking. "Oh and Troye..."

He nods his head knowing what I mean about meeting me to practise. Tyler and Connor look confused but I just smile and walk away. Time to film some cheeky collabs!


Hey guys if you enjoyed this chapter please vote for it and leave comment telling me what you think of this chapter and the story so far!

Thank you so much!

See you soon! Xx

You Changed My LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora