"Where are you going?" Luke asked as he grabbed my arms.

"I need some space." I said throwing the wet towel on the floor and running up the stairs.

I ran out the door and saw the paparazi there and they saw me and went crazy. Shit. 

I put on my hood and opened the gate and quicly passed by the crowd.


"ARE YOU AND LUKE BROOKS TOGETHER?!" the shouted in my face and I quickly ran away from them. 

My phone kept ringing and it was mostly from Luke but I kept declining. I can't face anyone at the moment, he probably is upset that I didn't even try to stop cutting, I can't help it.

I didn’t even know where I was going, or where I am. I never been out of the guys house only to get the alcohol which was like 15 minutes away from their house, but that place was too crowded I just wanted to be left alone.

 I walked into these small woods as there was a pathway on the ground and just followed that.

As I was walking I found this small pond with a bench and just decided to stay there for tonight.

I sit down as I bring my knees to my face and cried hiding my face.

My phone rang again and I decided to check it, it was Mariam.

I picked it up and put it against my ear.

“H-hello?” I said trying not to cry.

“Oh my god sweetie!  I saw you on the news as the paparazzi were shouting those things at you! I saw you crying, are you okay?!” She asked and I could hear the worriedness in her voice.

“I’m not okay, Mariam, I’m not okay.” I sobbed.

“Shhh, don’t cry Sky, I wish  was there with you at the moment but I called the guys and they have no idea where you are. Everything is going to be okay.” She said trying to calm me down.

“No it’s not, life for me can never be okay, it always get’s ruined something always has to mess it up, I can never be happy!” I cried.

“Don’t say that, you will find some happiness I promise, I’m going to be coming there soon and I’ll be with you and we will have the best time, don’t do anything sweetie, it’s going to be okay you are a strong girl.” She said crying herself.

“I’m not strong Mariam, I’m weak.” I said hanging up the phone and crying.

My phone rang again and I checked it was Luke again, I picked it up.

“Leave me alone.” I whispered.


“I just want to be left alone, I’m sorry I couldn’t keep your promise Luke, it’s hard I can’t just stop cutting. I’m sorry, that’s what I always say. I do some much wrong stuff that just causes problems, why are you caring about me, stop please.” I cried.

“Sky, please just come back home I love you.” He said.

I cried harder.

“You don’t love me Luke, I’m not the type of girl guys love.”

“Stop saying that! I love you Skylar Smith, always and forever.” He said.

“Why?” I cry.

“You are the one, you are the one I need please just come back to me baby.” He cried himself.

“ I can’t come back, I don’t even know where I am.” I started to control my tears.

“I’m getting into the car with the guys just stay there and explain to me what you see.” He said and I could hear the car engine starting.

“Uh, I’m in some sort of woods that was in the opposite direction from the shop where you and I got the alcohol.”  I said trying to explain where I am.

“Was it near a park?” He asked.


“I think I know where you are stay on the line, don’t hang up.” He said.

I sat on the bench in silence as I looked around the pond and waited for Luke to come and get me.

“Okay I thin—“ He got cut off from my phone dying.


I just sat there silently as I was just waiting.

“Skylar?” A voice came from behind me.

“Luke!” I jumped up and ran to him and hugged him.

“Don’t you ever do that again?” He said.

I hugged him tighter as I loved being in his arms I felt so safe.

I faced Luke as he was staring at me.

He pulled a piece of my hair behind my hair and then his thumbs under my eyes wiping away my tears.

“I love you too.” I whispered and Luke smiled.

He leaned in as I did too; I was going to kiss Luke Brooks.

Our lips were almost touching as I whispered.

“Please don’t leave.”

Luke’s lips touched mines as it moved perfectly in sync. I got a weird feeling in my stomach as it felt like butterflies. My heard was beating faster as I put my arms around his neck as his were around my waist.

We pulled away at the same time as I needed to catch my breath and smiled at him.

“I would never leave.” He hugged me.

Something is obviously going to go wrong, but right this moment was the best moment of my life.

“’Umm, yeah Beau’s waiting in the car.” Jai said from behind Luke.

I hid my face in Luke’s chest in embarrassment as we made our way to the car.

“Sorry for shouting at you Jai.” I said.

“It’s okay it was my fault for touching your stuff but please stop doing it.” He said walking beside me.

I didn’t answer him as I felt bad, it isn’t easy to just stop. I walked to the car and sat in the back of the van with Luke as Daniel and James were in the middle and Jai and Beau were at the front.

The car home was silent as no one really wanted to talk because I know what was going through their minds. Luke sat behind me as he was holding my hand as my head was on his shoulders.

We reached the gates and paparazzi were covering over the van and all we saw were flashes through the windows and them asking questions.

Beau and Jai had their glasses on as James and Daniels had there hoodies on no one really saw Luke and I in the back so I just stayed in my position.

The gate opened and Beau quickly went in and the gate shut and parked the car in the garage as we quickly went out and into the house as Luke and I were holding hands.

“THERE A COUPLE!” One person screamed as James shut the door and we all sat down.

“Sorry.” I mumbled.

“It’s okay Skylar, we will fix it.” Daniel reassured me.

The room became silent again as we all just sat there.

The Slave ( Luke Brooks)Where stories live. Discover now