76.Getting Through To You

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"I wanted to feel your lips against mine and then when I did I couldn't stop myself for wanting more. I tried to stop but I was so badly drawn to you. I wanted your skin against mine and I wanted you to kiss me back with an actual meaning.

"I know I hurt you and I feel like utter shit about that. I seriously do. I know you won't forgive me straight away because what I done was horrible, but I hope you can forgive me at least a tiny bit." I spill out to her.

She looks down and I she knock her laptop a little and reveals her stomach. I hold in a gasp as how much weight she has some how managed to lose within a night or two.

She looks up at me with pain all over her face and she struggle to talk.

"I forgive you Ty but... I am not ready to come home... Not alone. I know it sounds horrible... But what you done has frightened me... And you know why you... just need to think about it." She says the last part quietly.

I think about it for a few minutes and it hits me like a smack in the cheek. That man, The Waiter... I must of been just like him... forcing myself on to her, hurting her until she was screaming and crying in pain. Hurting her until she was begging me to stop.

"Noelani... I am so fucking sorry. I didn't think of that... I just thought you hated me and never wanted to be near me again." I say feeling guilty.

She smiles weakly and tears fill her eyes.

"It's okay Ty... You're the least of my worries right now... You haven't really done anything bad... Considered what happened today." I see a tear roll down her cheek.

"Why? What happened today that was worse?!" I ask her worried.

"N- Nothing... It is N- nothing." She says holding back her tears and sobbing

"Noelani what happened?!" I ask out of fear and desperation

"It doesn't matter... ByeTy... I love you." She hangs up leaving me shocked.

What the fuck happened today?! Was she attacked properly?! Who? Why? I think about it and that man is the only thing that came to mind. I grab my phone and text Connor.

'Connor skype Noelani right now! I think she has been hurt by The Waiter! ~Tyler." I send it and put my phone next to me.

'Okay. I gather she answered your call? ~Connor.' He replies after a few minutes of waiting.

'Yes but that doesn't matter! Skype her right now! ~Tyler.'

'Fine I will. ~C'

'Prepare yourself though... She isn't in a good condition... ~Tyler'

I don't get any reply. I gather he is now talking to her. Something doesn't seem right with him. I mean it was like I forced him to skype her because he said "fine I will."

Wouldn't he want to Skype his girlfriend after trying to contact her all day?

Another thing that doesn't seem right is that he only put "C" he always puts his full name unless if he is angry, upset or drunk... Shit. He had the stag do tonight!...

Jc's Pov

I don't like the fact that Typer is skyping Noelani. Something doesn't seem right with this situation. I pace along the hall way on the top floor and I hear Noelani weakly talking to him.

She has been going down hill ever since she encountered The Waiter. Her cheeks have lost their pinkness. Her hair has lost its bouncyness. Her voice has lost its gentle and kindness. Her stomach has lost a bit of weight as she is declining food that we offer and isn't drinking anything. Her skin has lost all colour, she looks white, maybe even grey. And her eyes... They look dead.

It's hurting us all seeing her like this. It's hurting Troye the most because he has no idea what's going on because we haven't allowed him to up and see her because we don't want him getting hurt.

A few times Noelani has asked for him but we have had to say no because Troye will be destroyed. I know that sounds horrible but if its destroying us O2L boys we can't imagine the damage it'll do to Troye.

I hear her close her laptop and I gently knock on her door. She whispers a go away and I sigh and rest my head against the door.

Vega scratches at the door and meows at it as she knows whose inside. I pick Vega up and kiss her head. She purrs cuddles into my hand and arm. I sigh and carry her downstairs to join the others...


Hi guys I'm sorry this is late. I badly over slept but I still managed to put something up for y'all.

Where Connor is drunk do you think the skype call will be affected by that?

Does Noelani really forgive Tyler or is she just exhausted and wanted to be left alone?

Why do you think Noelani has lost a lot of weight or is it Tyler's mind playing tricks on him because he hasn't seen her for a little while?

If you enjoyed this chapter please leave it a vote. I'm truly sorry I didn't update on time but you can't say I didn't try.

Leave a comment answering the questions above and also tell me what you think of this chapter and the story so far.

Thank you so much!

Bye! Xx

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