mcdonald's pancakes

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word count: 632

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"baby." a muffled voice filled your ears. "hey, lovey. wake up."

"mm." you rolled over onto your stomach, your face pressed into the pillow. your body began to move around, and your eyes fluttered open to see calum shaking you awake.

"baby, hi."

"calum, what are you doing?" you groaned, squinting as you curled up into a ball. he shook you some more. "what do you want, jeez?"

"i'm hungry, baby."

"then go get food," you murmured, feeling your eyelids droop. just as you were about to fall back asleep, calum lifted you up into his arms, carrying you bridal style. this woke you up. "calum, let me down."

calum set you down on the island counter in the middle of your kitchen. he was seemingly dressed for the day, wearing a pair of sweats and a fitting black tee. a baseball cap was placed backwards on top of his blonde hair. you looked at the microwave to see the time.

"calum, it's 4 in the morning."

"i'm hungry," he said, grabbing his keys from the coffee table in your attached living room. "for mcdonald's."

you rubbed your hands down your face. "baby, i am not going to mcdonald's at four in the fucking morning. i was having a good dream."

"mmm, too bad. c'mon," he said, tucking the keys into his pocket but letting some of the lanyard hang out. calum helped you down from the counter, slipping his green empathy hoodie over your head. subconsciously, you lifted your arms up. "want me to carry you to the truck?"

"mm, yes please."

calum lifted you up into his arms, carrying you down the stairs of your apartment and out to the parking lot. once you reached calum's truck, he let you down and opened your door. you smiled, pressing a kiss to his lips before climbing into the passenger seat.

"why do you suddenly want dons?" you asked, buckling your seat belt as calum hopped into the vehicle. he shrugged, starting the engine.

"i don't know but pancakes sound really fuckin' good right now."

the two of you were headed down the freeway, pulling off to the right and into the mcdonald's parking lot. calum insisted on going inside, so the two of you walked into the restaurant hand in hand.

"i'm gonna sit down," you said as he approached the counter.

"okay baby."

you took a seat at one of the tables, pulling out your phone. while you scrolled through twitter, reading your mentions and indirects, calum came up behind you. he slid into the seat beside you, opening up his package of hotcakes whilst audibly moaning.

"horny or something?" you presumed, giggling as calum's eyes rolled to the back of his head while stuffing pancake into his mouth. "you get off to this more than you do to me."

"baby, you've got to try these."

"no, thanks." calum knew you were on a strict diet because of your job as a model. mcdonald's pancakes were the epitome of sin in your boss's books.

"pleaseeee, lovey." he pushed the styrofoam plate towards you. after a moment, you gave in and sighed. calum giggled, putting the plastic fork in your mouth. you swallowed the pancake, noticeably raising your eyebrows. "good, right?"


you reached for more but calum stopped you. "one time thing."


"i'll make it up to you when we get home," calum said cheekily, earning a roll of the eyes from you. a couple minutes later and calum was finished his 'midnight snack' or so he called it. "c'mon babe, i wanna go to the store and get some oreos or something."

"are you on your period?" you questioned as your boyfriend pulled you out to the parking lot. he rolled his eyes, smiling as the two of you set off.

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