•Beautiful Night•

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Author's Narrative...

Mature content. Don't report later because I've warned you before only. So avoid reading it If you're a minor under 18. It's for adults not for children's...


Stood still is all she did seeing him holding the packet. It wasn't see through for sure but she guessed it to be something she would've to wear. He smiled slightly before moving closer to her and handing her the beautifully wrapped gift. She smiled back to not offend him or hurt his feelings.

She had no idea why was she having these "deja vu" feelings even though that's what she too wanted.

"I guess you don't want it?" He asked holding back the gift.

"Huh?" She jolted out of her thoughts and realise that she hasn't picked the gift from his hands. "Sorry, I was zoned out. I want it." She smiled and walked toward the soft bed and got adjusted on it. Starting to unwrap the gift she glanced him for a while.

"You know... we're married. I can gift you such things." He stuttered and shifted on his other leg.

"I guess... Maybe." She paused and pulled out the beautiful night dress from the box and the next moment she froze gasping. She wasn't expecting this dress.

There were one black Tee and trouser of polyester but the thing next to it was what shocked her. The black nighty, polyester and net were all it was... it was see-through and hardly would reach her knees. It was all Net so her inner wears were going to be visible too. She gulped hard and turned her face toward him and he was having a shy smirk on his face and she sighed.

"I would've to search for it... I don't know if it's allowed to be gifted." She bluntly told him and he grunted.

"You're going to waste time searching. It's nothing... bad." He walked toward her and she shakes her head.

"I Feel shy." She looked away as he looked at her

"We both feel that... shy. It's better than nothing. Do you want to walk around naked? Tell me?" He asked and she shot up her head and glared him.

"Why do I feel foreign to all this stuff? Am I going insane? I feel as if I am being... jerk." She sniffles and picked up the stuff and stood up.

"I'mma turn off lights and just the moonlight would be enough for us. Feels any better?" He asked and she nodded smiling.

"I guess I overreacted. That's maybe because I wasn't really expecting this." She walked toward the washroom and undressed and watched her Mark's of operation in the mirror.
I hope he doesn't dislike me after seeing them... she spoke to herself touching the scars and pulled on the nighty after wearing the undergarments which came with them. She shied away from seeing her naked skin underneath the net and sat down on the edge of the Bathtub.

"Damn!" She opened her hair and parted them sideways such that they fell on her shoulder hiding her breasts under them making her feel slightly better. The worst part was... there was no bra and she didn't bother to wear the unmatched one.

"Shivaay..." she called out as she walked out of the bathroom. She sighed as he wasn't anywhere around and went to the bed only to find it decorated with rose petals. It felt to her as if it is
it's their first night. She didn't prefer to sit on them so she walked toward the dresser and picked up her bag from there and pulled out lipstick of darker red shade. She was turning on... she was getting ready!

Applying it on her lips, she gave herself a sexy look in the mirror and jumped at her place when Shivaay snaked his hands around her waist.

"You..." she snapped. "Where were you?" She asked looking at him and he smiled. "Brought us some more wine." He started making patterns on her tummy and she gulped hard as she remembers what she was wearing.

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