•Give up? No!•

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~~~Shivaay's POV~~~

I stood up after crying for minutes. I'm not able to bear her this cold behavior and it's just few hours.
But... She beard it for long, so long. I've no rights to be called a human being. I behaved so rudely and coldly with her and... I... Even raped her. And here she's still ready to give me a chance. I don't think i fucking deserve that chance. She should just... Kill me!

I looked at the trolley in which i placed things, and walked out with it wiping my tears.

I'm so lucky to get this golden chance, which i definitely don't deserve. But... I'm already giving up? It isn't right. I shouldn't. Nahh. Never... 

"Giving up?' i looked at anika who's now standing by my side as I've to unlock the dining room which is locked since ages. staff have seen it but not anyone else, it always stays locked. gets unlocked only to be cleaned.

I simply dropped my head and gaze down with her question. How can i tell her? I'm not able to bear all her hate? How can i tell her I'm not so strong...
Maybe it's my ego which is stopping me from telling her all this, but Somewhere it'll hurt her too. What she'll think? What if she leaves me?

"Nah baby you can't" i heard her again and looked up at her to see her smirking.

How she even know?

"Look shivaay. You're lucky enough to get this chance even after all your cruel deeds. So better don't anger me now. And here.. You've no other choice rather than earning forgiveness. Let yourself feel what it feels like... Doing things UNWILLINGLY. You'll earn forgiveness unwillingly... " she whispered in my ear and i looked at her all shocked... What benefit will it give her?

"SATISFACTION" She smiled and took hold of the trolley.

I walked to my room to get the keys with same thoughts. Only the thoughts are scarry. How It'll be to earn forgiveness, that too unwillingly? Phew!

I opened the drawer of my cupboard to get the keys.. When naina's picture appears slipping down the back side.

Tears brimmed and with my trembling hands, i picked the picture with utmost love and care. I feel if I'll pick it with little force... Naina will get hurt.
All the flashes of our old memories started flashing in front of my eyes. I never thought I'll achieve all i wanted to for her...
But i achieved... But... Without her.

I sat down on my bed and looked at her picture again...

"Naina, see your dream is fulfilled today. You wanted everyone  in this kind of house, and they all are here. But only you isn't, why you left us so soon? We had to get you married with your classmate whom you liked!" i swallow and blinking cleared the view "Om and Ru are here too... They are so happy seeing the mansion. They were so eager to explore it completely but your bhabhi stopped them..." i hiccups as i let out my sob.. I hugged the picture and cried...

There are so many pains in my heart but i can't say it to anyone. Not even to my friends... Only Naina knows.

I breathed in to compose my breathes, when i felt a soft hand on my shoulder and on turning i found the purest soul ANIKA standing. My heart wanted to hug her and cry on her shoulder. After all she's the only one apart from my besties, in front of whom i cry.

"Shivaay" she gasped as soon as i looked at her and then she walked toward me with her baby steps. She's still not able to walk properly, all just because of me...

"Hm" i hummed as i brushed off the tears

"Missing naina?" she looked at me and i nodded as tears rolled down my eyes again. It's so hard!

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