It was our friendship that really mattered.

And Eddie the elephant had been part of our friendship.

And our friendship had been part of my old life.

And my old life included my family who were gone now.

And I just couldn't go back to that.

"I'm not keeping Eddie. Dixon will get tired of this little game eventually and just stop."

"And what if he doesn't?" Alex pressed.

I honestly didn't have an answer to that. At some point he would just have to stop, right?


"Kate." Alex let out in frustration. "I can't believe you let me sleep this long."

I bit my lower lip nervously. The sun was already high up in the sky and the clock read
But I just didn't have the heart to wake Alex. He looked so peaceful sleeping and I hadn't seen him like that in the longest time.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted you to rest." I spoke in guiltily.

He sighed. "I appreciate that but every hour we waste hear is another second we're giving to the Boss or Dean to find us. We can't risk that."

I looked down at the ground feeling ashamed for putting both of us in danger like that.

"It's okay." Alex finally let out and I knew it was just because he didn't want to see me upset.

He never could stand it when I was upset.

"You showered?" He asked me.

I nodded even though I didn't want to admit that I had abandoned my post as a look out.

He nodded. "Okay, I'll take a quick shower too and then we can get going."

He started walking towards the stairs but I called out to him.

He turned to face me and rose his brows in inquisition.

"Why are you doing this?" I sighed.

The answer was supposed to be obvious but I still didn't understand.

"You don't have to do this. You do realize that you're going against your family by helping me, right? You're putting your life in danger. You could get killed. You could lose everything you've ever known."

Alex didn't answer immediately.

Instead he looked on at something in the distance as if in fact wondering why he was here with me.

"Jason once asked me what I would do if the choice came down to you and the Boss. Do you remember what I said?"

Yes. Yes I did.

He walked towards me and placed a hand on my cheek.
"You are part of me, Kate. And you always will be."

His hand moved to mine and squeezed it. His hands didn't linger like they usually did.
He was just that good of a guy. He understood that things weren't the same and he knew which boundaries not to cross.

He turned around to head up the stairs.

"Alex." I called again.

He turned to look at me, this time with a more somber look on his face.

"You will always be part of me too." I told him in all honesty.

We had been too intimate emotionally for him to not leave a mark on me.

The Callahan Dynastyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن