The Meeting

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"Do not look him directly in the eye." Jason ordered. "But pay attention to everything he says. Don't stutter, use proper grammar, try to be confident but not too confident. Laugh at his jokes but not too much. And don't smile too much, he hates that. Don't bring up politics at all. And try not to talk about yourself too much. Got it?"

"Wha-what?" I asked in confusion. I was already nervous as it is and him barking orders at me wasn't making me feel any better.

He seemed frustrated and impatient as he ran his hand through his hair.

"Just don't speak unless spoken to. Got it?"

I nodded though the uneasy feeling I got in the pit of my stomach didn't seem to want to leave.

I kept going over my cover story in my head and kept forgetting little details even the parts that were true.

I nervously wringed my hands together.

"For goodness sake will you calm down!" Jason whisper/yelled as he grabbed my hands in his.

I glared at him. "Oh and yelling at me is definitely going to help?" I asked making sure sarcasm dripped from my voice.

"Well you're not making things any easier with all your bitching." He hissed.

I gasped pulled my hands out of his hold.

I didn't care if people were looking at us, I wouldn't let him get away with talking to me like that.

Jason, however, looked around seeming nervous.

He forced a toothy smile and gave a fake laugh before looking back at me sharply. "Listen." He spoke through the fake smile. "This is a matter of life and death. If the boss sees through our little scheme then we're all toast and you are going to die. Now I couldn't give a rats ass about that but Harry and Bella do. Especially Harry and I have no doubt in my mind that he'd try to do something stupid like protect you which would obviously get him killed. And I would never forgive myself if I let that happen."

There was this ferocity in Jason's voice. Obviously, he didn't care about me but he cared about Alex and Isabella a lot. They were his family.
And although I didn't necessarily like him, I respected him enough because of that.

I nodded. "Got it."

Jason's face softened and he relaxed a little.

"Good." He spoke. "Let's get this over with." He muttered as he placed his hand on my back and led me to the back room that Mr Callahan was in.

"Oh, and one more thing." He leaned over to me and whispered. "Never, ever call him 'the boss'."

Before I could question this we had gotten to the door which was guarded by two suited men.

They nodded at Jason as we approached them.

"Sir." They spoke in acknowledgement before one of them opened the door.

I now understood why Mr Callahan and his entourage had been spending so much time in here.

It was like a luxurious VIP room. There was a large plasma TV that was mounted on the wall, it was currently displaying a cartoon that was keeping little Max preoccupied. Plush seats were scattered around the room. It looked like some cool secret clubhouse.

A table sat at the back where Farah, Isabella, Alex's mother, the senator's wife and Mrs Callahan sat. They all turned to look at us when we walked in. If I thought the other women were intimidating, try looking at these three beautiful and powerful women.

Isabella had looked bored but she immediately perked up when her eyes rested on me. I could see worry in them.

"Kate!" Max suddenly exclaimed as he ran towards me and held out his arms for a hug.
I crouched to his level and hugged him with a smile.

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