The Glam Team

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I didn't feel proud about taking a top from the closet. But in my defence, it's not like I had much of a choice, the one sweater I had brought with me was really starting to get dirty. And it's not like I got anything new anyway, it was the same loose top I had borrowed from Isabella's closet the day we went shopping.

I paired it with my jeans and stuffed the sweater in my duffel bag hoping by tomorrow I'd be able to do some laundry somehow someway. Doing something as ordinary as laundry seemed absolutely ludacris at this point.

"Wait Jason, don't murder me yet, let me just turn the washing machine on, first."

I stood up and walked over to the mirror. I pulled down my shirt and examined the faint red marks of Jason's fingernails and trailed my finger tips over them. Believe it or not, I was actually trying to justify his actions because I refused to believe that a person could do this just for the sake of inflicting pain on another person.

The first thing that came to mind was what had happened yesterday. How he had gone crazy and told me that it was because of Isabella.

Isabella... I hadn't really considered her in this whole ordeal. I hadn't considered her feelings at all. But I honestly felt like I really shouldn't. I mean she kept the secret about my parents away from me too.

I sighed realising that that wasn't really a good excuse. In her defence, it really wasn't her secret to tell. But I just wanted to be mad at her. And I hated to admit that I really didn't have a good reason to. She was there when I met Alex. Did I expect her to somehow tell me not to fall for him. Or maybe I expected her to advise Alex not to fall for me.

My mind then went back to the night of Mr Callahan's party when Alex had wanted to tell me but Isabella interrupted him. I hated to admit that I wish she could've stopped him when he actually told me.

I guess Isabella is the one person I'm the least mad at.

I looked at my phones. The one that belonged to 'Katelyn King' still sat on the dresser where I had left it when I thought I was leaving and the one that actually belonged to me sat on the bed. They were both off.

I didn't turn either of them on in fear of having Alex call me.

But I wanted to reach out to Isabella. I still felt like my title as her best friend still existed and I wanted to be able to be there for her during this time. It was obvious that she had deep feelings for Jason and for her to allegedly break up with him. That must have taken a lot. She probably needed someone to talk to and maybe a shoulder to cry on. It was hard to think about Isabella ever crying but I just had to assume this was a painful experience for her.

Well I guess she had Alex... Again I found myself worrying about his well being too. I wanted to believe that he wasn't as broken up by this whole ordeal. But I saw his face when he had told me... I heard his voice when he had begged me not to leave... when he had said he loved me... He looked and sounded very sincere.

And as bad as everything was, there was no denying the fact that we once had something special.

I hated the fact that I still wanted him.

"Katie Kat." I heard an all too familiar voice yell as he burst into my room.

I was surprised when I saw that Anthony wasn't in fact alone. He was followed by two maids whom I had never seen before. They each carried suitcases and behind, Jason who looked gloomy as usual trailed after them. He leaned against the door and folded his arms looking like he was being forced to be here.
The two maids walked towards the closet.

"What's going on?" I asked in confusion.

Anthony walked towards me and threw an arm over my shoulder. "You, my little Katie Kat are about to officially start living your life as Katelyn King."

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