Late Night Calls

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I stared at Kate's peaceful sleeping face for a while.

I studied her intensely as if by doing this I would somehow get all the answers I needed.
But of course that wouldn't happen.

I thought back to what Anthony said. Heck, I even thought back to what I, myself, told Harry not long ago.

Bringing an outsider into the Callahan family was almost always a death sentence no matter how innocent and/or pure your intentions were.

But that's the thing Anthony didn't get. Like him and Trixie, I just couldn't live without her anymore. I couldn't imagine a life without her in it.

It sounded cliché and soft, sure but it was true.

I never thought I'd have a weakness. Even when I was with Bella, I never worried. In fact, I pitied the poor soul who would ever try to mess with Bella.

But Kate wasn't trained like we were. She didn't know how to defend herself and she was susceptible to manipulation and attacks from all over.

Like now, I was sure... no certain that someone was trying to get to her.
But who?

I had an endless list of enemies.

Of course my first suspect would be my father. Especially since Aunt Miranda told me about what he did to Trixie and Harry's father.

My father has never been fond of outsiders. But I would never expect him to go to those extremes.

Well, I guess there's also the possibility that Aunt Miranda could be lying. But what reason would she have?

Never the less, I will not let him touch Kate.

And I'll do whatever it takes to protect her.

"I'm doing this for you." I whispered before placing a light kiss on her knuckles. She didn't wake up but just stirred in bed.

I threw the covers off myself.

I picked up a sweatshirt and my phone from the counter. I disappeared through the living room and out the door.

The cool air bit at my skin but I didn't get distracted by it. I just took out my phone and dialed a number.

The person answered on the third ring.

"Jason. Its been too long. What can I do for you?" The girls voice came from the other end.
She was still direct, just the way I liked it.

"I have a new mark for you." I told her.

I could practically picture her smirking through the phone.

"Oh goody. I've been so bored lately. Who is it?"

"Her name is Katelyn King." I spoke feeling the guilt just as I let out the words.

"Your pretty little girlfriend? What's wrong? Trouble in paradise?"

"That's for you find out." I muttered. " I just need you to keep an eye on who she communicates with."

"Don't worry, Jasey, when have I ever let you down?" She asked. "But I keep telling you, if you're having girl trouble, I-"

"Just do your job and keep in touch."

"Aye, aye, Captain. But I'm telling you, you're missing out on a lot of fun."

"Goodbye." I spoke sternly.

I heard her laugh before hanging up.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

I didn't want to have to do this but at this point, I had no choice.

If Kate wouldn't tell me, I would find out myself.

I squinted in the distance towards the club.

I could've sworn I saw a flashlight pointed in my direction.
Probably some concerned security.

I walked back into the guest house.

Almost immediately, I heard a phone ring.

I thought it was her calling me back but that was impossible, she never called back until she had results. And even she wasn't that quick and efficient.

I realized it was Kate's phone. It sat on the coffee table in the living room. She must have left it behind.

I picked it up and my eyes immediately darkened at the name.
Why was he calling her?

I was tempted not to answer but curiosity got the better of me so I swiped and answered.
His voice infuriated me more than I thought.

"Hey." He answered seeming shocked. "I-I didn't expect you to pick up... wow... I-I can't believe you picked up, Kate. I just had to call you. Today... of all days um... happy birthday. I don't even know where to start."

"You could start with saying goodbye." I spoke.

"Jason?" He spoke angrily. "Why the hell are you answering Kate's phone." Harry growled.

"Why the hell are you calling Kate's phone?" I retaliated.

"I don't need permission to talk to my girlfriend." He replied calmly.
I laughed.

"Girlfriend? You're a delusional fool."

"Hey, I get that you're mad at Bella about-"

"Bella? I'm mad at both of you!" I tried to keep my voice hushed  so as to not wake Kate.

"Hey, I have nothing to do with how Bella feels."

"Yeah, I bet." I spoke sarcastically. "You know, you have some nerve calling her after what happened." I spoke angrily.

Fury was burning at me now.

"Hey, you of all people know that what happened wasn't something I wanted."

Unbelievable. Was he really saying that he didn't want to sleep with Bella? That he just accidentally put his penis into her?

"Stop bullshitting me, Harry. And do everyone a favour and stop calling."

I didn't wait for him to say anything else before I hang up and tossed the phone away.

I felt somewhat satisfied when I heard it crack and break.

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